Project Girl 2 Woman

30-Day Gratitude Challenge 2022 + Printable pdf

Today we introduce you to our 30 Day Gratitude Challenge: With so much going on in the world and in our lives, it’s easy to be ungrateful for the small things like a hot cup of coffee. We created this challenge to appreciate the world around us: Our families and friends, nature, and what we are allowed to learn each day.

The challenge is divided into 5 parts and includes a daily task: 

      1. Small joys
      2. Health and Mental Health
      3. Family and Friends
      4. Giving to others
      5. Learnings and Memories

What is a gratitude Challenge?

Each day, for 30 days, we explore things that we are grateful for and appreciate them. 

3 Steps Of Gratitude

Here are the 4 Steps of Practicing Gratitude: 

Before we start:

Most activities should make you think and appreciate what you have and which emotional connection they give you. If we start with the first day as an example:

Name your favorite beverage

Of course you could just write: Black tea. But it doesn’t really show why you appreciate it. Instead, write why you like black tea, what fond memories you connect with it or why it helps you be more calm. Writing just a few sentences doesn’t take much time but can make you see those items in a different light.

30-Day Gratitude Challenge for the Christmas season

Day 1Eat and enjoy your favorite beverage or snack. 

Day 2: 20-minute meditation. 

Day 3: Name 10 things you were grateful for in 2022.

Day 4: What makes you smile? 

Day 5: Name an item you can’t live without.

Day 6: Take a walk and appreciate your surroundings.

Day 7: What’s your favorite song? Listen to it. 

Day 8: Eat and enjoy food that nourishes your body.

Day 9: Name a hobby or skill you’ve learned this year

Day 10: Which learnings are you grateful for? 

Day 11: What is your favorite picture? 

Day 12: What is your favorite book/movie

Day 13: 20 minutes stretching

Day 14: Write a letter to yourself

Day 15: Donate an item for poor children

Day 16: 20 minute meditation

Day 17: What’s your favorite clothing piece? 

Day 18: What are your best memories? And why? 

Day 19: Write a letter to your best friend

Day 20: What did you learn about yourself this year? 

Day 21: Go out for a run or workout 

Day 22: Name your favorite family/friend activity

Day 23: Help others  

Day 24: Write a letter to your family 

Day 25: Make your family and friends smile

Day 26: Take pictures of things you are grateful for.

Day 27: Thank your favorite author on twitter.

Day 28: Help your mum with house chores.  

Day 29: Leave thank you notes around. 

Day 30: Make someone smile. 

Here is the Gratitude Challenge PDF for you to Download for Free. 

If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment on our social media or under this post! 

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas season. If you like our post, we have another upload coming on saturday! And we are always super happy to see comments :D. 

Topics that could also be relevant to you: 

30-Day Challenge Ideas to Stay Fit During Winter

13 Simple Ways to avoid this years Christmas Stress

The Ultimate Declutter Guide – A Free Checklist on How to Declutter your Home

If you want to get informed about the latest updates, please subscribe to our newsletter. Last but not least we update every Wednesday and every Saturday. So, it would be great to see you again. Also, for updates follow us on:


Pinterest: projectgirl2woman

Instagram: projectgirl2woman

Twitter: @girl2_woman

Love from Germany,

Carina and Julia

30-Day Gratitude Challenge 2022 + Printable pdf Read More »

Free Daily Productivity Planner Pdf and Word

Last time we prepared a free time scheduling printable in black and white and pastel. 🙂This time we’ve prepared a free blank productivity planner with a to-do list for you. 🙂 


Do you use a daily planner to manage your time? If you don’t have one yet you can use this printable digital download. We included the word document so you can adapt it to your likes. Below you’ll also find the pdf.

Daily Productivity Planner Word

When you use a daily template it’s easier for you to schedule your day. You’ll be able to track your time and organize your life. And when you look back on your planners you’ll see all the progress you’ve made over the last weeks. 


There are 2 ways to do this. You can get yourself an organizer and print the templates or you use the planner on your tablet and edit it digitally. 

Here is the word productivity planner in case you want to change something:

Click on the picture for the word document. The pdf has a different font, which isn’t available on word. If you want to print the document I’d recommend the pdf version.

Tips To Increase Productivity At Home

Free Daily Productivity Planner Undated

Here is the printable planner pdf without a date. Click on the picture to open the pdf.  

Free Printable Productivity Planner Dated 2023

Do you like to plan your year ahead? The daily printable pdf dated 2023. It’s slightly different:

Hope you like the productivity planners. We’d be super happy to see you in a comment 🙂Describe a productive day in 3 emojis ⬇️  and let us know which template you’d like to get next. 🙂

Free Daily Productivity Planner Pdf and Word Read More »

64 Personal Growth Challenge Ideas 14-days 21-days 30-days 90-days & More

Hey everyone we decided to do a new series. The best way to change is through action. What better way than to do challenges? In the next weeks, we’ll try challenges for you and create step-by-step challenges that’ll make you grow as a person. We’ll link to them from this site so make sure to save it and come back! You can also pin the post if you use Pinterest. 😁

Can we reach 1000 Challenge Ideas ?

Let us know your Challenge Ideas and we’ll add them to the post! Let us know your Challenge Ideas and we’ll add them to the post!

24-Hour Challenges

  1. Plan your goals and actions Challenge
  2. Draw 100 Stickers Challenge
  3. Create one Digital Product Challenge 
  4. 24 Hours Yes Challenge
  5. 24 Hour Make a Song Challenge
  6. 24-Hour Fundraising Challenge
  7. Ask for 50 backlinks challenge (DM)
  8. Write 4 Blogposts Challenge
  9. Create and Schedule 100 Pins
  10. Create 1 Youtube Video (From Script, Upload to Promotion)
  11. Photodiscover a City
  12. Sell Photography 
  13. No phone 1-day

7-Day Growth Challenge Ideas

  1. Film your first Youtube Video Challenge
  2. Cold Shower Challenge
  3. Zero Sugar Challenge
  4. Application Challenge
  5. Online Survey Challenge
  6. Take pictures and sell them
  7. Send appreciation letters
  8. Failure Challenge
  9. Fasting Challenge
  10. Compliment Challenge

14-Day Challenges

  1. Twitter Thread Challenge
  2. Quora Answers Challenge
  3. Talk to a Stranger Challenge 
  4. Plant Up your space. Ask your neighbors, friends, and family for seeds and offshoot
  5. Plan a surprise outing. 
  6. Try Living History
  7. Medium Articles Challenge
  8. Get a free certificate Challenge
  9. Digital Detox Challenge

21-Day Self Growth Challenges

  1. Upcycle Challenge
  2. Cheap Balcony Redo Challenge 
  3. Sponsorship Challenge 
  4. Learn to Draw
  5. Message your Idols Challenge
  6. Gratitude Challenge
Personal Growth Challenge Ideas, Women typing on laptop

30-Day Challenges

  1. Volunteer Challenge 
  2. Guest Post Challenge
  3. First Pull Up Challenge
  4. Meditation Challenge
  5. Fiverr Challenge 
  6. Yard Sale Challenge
  7. 1st Etsy Sale Challenge
  8. Create a Product Challenge
  9. Get a Mentor Challenge
  10. Send letters Challenge
  11. Find a Mentor Challenge
  12. NaNoWriMo Write a Book Challenge
  13. GumRoad Challenge
  14. Daily Marketing Challenge
  15. Ab Challenge Next Workout
  16. 100 Squats per Day Challenge
  17. Create your first NFT Challenge
  18. 30-Day HARO Challenge
  19. Fitness Challenge Ideas

90-Day Personal Growth
Challenge Ideas

  1. Organise a fundraising event for charity
  2. Start a community club (eg.: Bookclub; Cook club; etc.) 
  3. Create a physical product
  4. Make New Friend Challenge
  5. Reconnect with old friends Challenge
  6. Do a Talk Challenge
  7. Learn a new Language

180-Day Challenges

  1. Run a Marathon

365-Day Challenges

  1. Learn an Instrument Challenge
  2. Learn Coding Challenge

64 Personal Growth Challenge Ideas 14-days 21-days 30-days 90-days & More Read More »