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The Most Underrated Skill – Teamwork Skills in Daily life –  (+ Definition, Team Roles according to Belbin)

Teamwork Skills are among the top requested social skills when it comes to job applications.


Are you good at Teamwork? 

Well, if you work well together with others as part of a team, it doesn’t only boost your career chances. 


Being good at Teamwork will also: 

  • Help you get new job opportunities 
  • and help when it comes to your personal life. 

Just imagine you are moving to a new city. Getting the furniture from one place to another is a struggle. Are you good at working in a team when friends or family help? Or do you prefer to carry the workload alone?

In this post you’ll learn: 

  • How to describe Teamwork Skills & The Definition of Teamwork
  • The Importance of Teamwork 
  • How to get Better at Teamwork
  • Belbin’s Roles in Teams


Let’s jump right in: 

What Does Teamwork Mean? - Defining Teamwork

According to Lexico, teamwork describes “The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.”. 

Therefore all team members have a shared goal. Each teammate might have different functions, but ultimately they work towards a common goal


Effective means that all participants work together not separately, discussing decisions and actions openly to come to a shared approach. 

Efficiently, on the other hand, signals that each team member picks tasks that fit well to their skills and experiences. Someone who studied finance will most likely choose the financial part of the project. 


If we use simple words to describe teamwork skills it would be to have the abilities to work well and effectively together in a team setting.

So, why is teamwork important?

In your personal life, you will often find yourself in a team situation. For example, when you move, do household or garden chores, raise children with your partner, and so on. 


Good Teamwork Skills thereby play a central role when communicating with others and can help avoid confrontations and misunderstandings. Overall, improving your teamwork skill will improve your communication process with others (and it is a great soft skill to add to your cv.) 


Also Read :6 proven listening exercises to never get in trouble with your boss again – genius ways to boost your active listening skill as a young professional 

Let’s take a look at the importance of teamwork skills

  • You’ll come up with a lot more ideas and solutions to a problem in a team.
  • The workload will be shared, you don’t have to do everything alone.
  • You’ll get better at solving conflicts.
  • Good Teamwork tightens relationships.
  • It’s more fun, duh.
  • You can learn from each other.

You know all that, but have no idea how to actually be a good team player ? Let’s take a look at, how to improve teamwork skills?

Teamsituations can be frustrating. When people keep discussing, but don’t come to a conclusions. Or certain teammembers come completely unprepared.  And what to do if you are shy? They keep talking, but you can’t share your opinions. You might think it would have been much easier and faster if you’d just done it alone.

  1. Listen. This is like the most important team skill. 
  2. Set the goals at the start of the team situation. (See to it that everyone is on the same page) Clearly communicate what you want to achieve. 
  3. Set boundaries and rules. You know there are people in the team, who are super enthusiastic? Or you are the super enthusiastic one? Give shy people a chance to talk and agree on rules and boundaries beforehand: 
      • Agree to raise your hand, when you want to state an opinion. 
      • Don’t interrupt, while people are speaking. 
      • Look at the speaker. 
      • Don’t mumble when something upsets you. Clearly speak your opinion. 
      • Take responsibility when you fail. 


We’ll do a full post on how to improve your teamwork skills later on. Those are our quick tips 😉 

How is collaboration different from teamwork?

According to civilservicecollege, collaboration does not have a leader,  instead, all members are treated equally and therefore ideas, as well as decisions, are made together. Teamwork, on the other hand, has an appointed leader and distributes tasks to each member.

Belbin Role Overview

Belbin’s Different Roles in Teams and their Skills (+ Examples):

According to Belbin, there are nine roles in a team:  

  • Plant
  • Resource Investigator
  • Co-ordinator 
  • Shaper
  • Teamworker 
  • Monitor Evaluator 
  • Implementer 
  • Completer 
  • Specialist 


Let’s go through each role. See how they are different and how you can figure out which of your friends has which role. 

We also added the likely skills of each role, as well as their weaknesses. So tell us, what is/are your role (s) based on Belbin’s teamwork model? 🙂

The Plant

is a creative and innovative team member who creates and shares ideas with his team members. It could be an employee who comes up with new product ideas, improvements to the production process, or alternatively even a child who comes up with ideas for the family evening. 

Think about you and your family, friends, your relationship, classmates or work buddies – who is always coming up with new ideas?  Is it you? Your cousin? Your best friend? Who is the creative mind? 

Soft Skills: Creative Thinking, Innovation, Open-minded

Weaknesses: Too optimistic, doesn’t necessarily consider if the ideas are feasible with the given resources and time frame. 

The Resource Investigator

checks opportunities,  and scans beforehand what resources and contacts are available to realise the new ideas. According to Indeed, Resource Investigators are usually extroverts who easily build contacts and networks. The website also states that the team role is people-oriented. 

When I think about Resource Investigators I always imagine my best friend. Somehow she always has the right people, items or whatever we need to carry out our plans. Do you have someone similar in your life? Or are you the Resource Investigator?

Soft Skills: Active Listening, Good Communication, Networking

Weaknesses: Might also be over-optimistic and can get in touch with the wrong people and social circles (who are not as efficient for the project but more entertaining)

The Implementer

Implementers are less people oriented and more task oriented (accelerate UK). They want to get the tasks done and realise the ideas mentioned by the Plant. 

Do you like to create plans and to-do lists? Or do you already have lists for your lists? (yes, some people have them 😀 *speaking from experience*) Maybe you are the Implementer in the team then! 😉 By the way, they are also known to be very disciplined and highly dedicated.

Soft Skills: Disciplined, organised, productive

Weaknesses: Wasting too much time on the planning phase and might be easily triggered when something doesn’t go as planned. 

The Co-ordinator

will use  leadership skills to assign the tasks to the team members. 

Just imagine your mom pointing you to clean the bathroom while your brothers have to do the dishes. She knows exactly which tasks need to get done and who should do what. 

Soft Skills:  decision-making, team leadership, people management

Weaknesses: Might assign the tasks unfairly to the team members based on their own perception and likings. 

The Sharper

Another great role is the Sharper who pushes the team forward. The Sharper is a great motivator and inspires the whole team to finish their tasks and goals successfully. 

Yet, the role is not people-oriented, unlike expected it is actually action-oriented  (accelerate UK). Do you know someone who is always encouraging you, pushing you through the hard times? Who always says the right things to boost your mood even during gloomy days? 

Soft Skills: motivational, inspirational, emotional intelligence, communication and active listening

Weaknesses: Impatient when the progress of the team isn’t as fast as the Sharper expected or an obstacle prolongs the achievement of the goal.

The Teamworker

The Teamworker provides support like the Sharper but mainly focuses on how she can help the other team members fulfill their tasks.

If you are completely lost with a software, but have to hand in your taxes by the next week. Who is the one who rushes to your side and explains the program to you even though she barely uses it herself?  It is the Teamworker who wants to save your butt. By the way, Teamworkers also tend to improve communication in a team and want to establish the best workflow and -atmosphere. 

Soft Skills: Communication, Problem-solving, Conflict-Solving, emotional intelligence

Weaknesses: Avoids confrontations and can be indecisive (Belbin)

Read Also: How to build stronger relationships

The Specialist

Another highly skilled person who might rush to your aid is most likely the Specialist. The Specialist role brings in the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve the goal. 

It could be coding when you try to create a game, Marketing knowledge when you want to launch a website or even a language skill when you want to help your kids with the next English exam. Usually only this one role has skills that the other members don’t have (or alternatively each member is a specialist and brings in her own unique skill to the project) Do you have a special skill that you can bring in? What is it? 

Soft Skills: Self-starter, logical thinking (based on her expertise) 

Weaknesses: Might lack in social skills like communication and active listening or simply focuses on his tasks individually. 

The Completer

The Completer is a role that really wants to get things done. Do you think about the end when you just started? 

No but really, everyone needs a Completer in their team. How often have you started something but never finished it? The Completer definitely won’t let you procrastinate or even stop in the middle. She is very observant and especially bound to hitting deadlines. Also when it comes to the quality of work she is very detail-oriented and organised, no wonder they are known to be perfectionists (accelerate UK). 

Soft Skills: Detail-oriented, Time management, working under pressure

Weaknesses: Might get anxious when the deadlines are near, triggered when others put less importance on reaching deadlines or details


Struggle with procrastination? Here is your solution!

Last but not least is the Monitor Evaluator

Monitor Evaluators are a very realistic role. They estimated all sides and effects of the project and tasks and aren’t afraid to judge the process or outcome. With their open mindfulness they can highlight mistakes and point out if an approach has more negative effects than positive ones(accelerate UK). So now back to you – do you have a strategist on your team? Someone who is more based on logic than on perception?  

Soft Skills: Analytical and Logical Thinking, Troubleshooting

Weaknesses: can be too critical, might lack social skills and/or seem distant to the other team members. 


What is (are) your Team Role(s)?

example teamwork header

All roles - based on the example of moving apartments:

Okay, so let’s end this with an example. You are moving from one place to another and inviting your whole family to help. Just when everyone enters your home you hear your mom talk about the different ways one can bring the bulky furniture down the tight stairway. 


Your dad in the meanwhile scans through the whole room and wonders how to get everything into the van. While your sisters scribbles down what needs to get done.  From removing furniture to cleaning and handing over the keys. You already know beforehand that your parents will help you with carrying the items and transporting them, while your sister will stay longer to help you clean. 

After a while you all notice that the van gets fuller and fuller and still a lot of items are resting in your old apartment. You try your best to de-escalate your bickering parents, while your optimistic sister keeps bringing down more and more furniture. 

“We store what we can and then we will see if it all fits in”. Having to pay for the van per hour you try your best to finish early. While you walk back up to gather your bag your mom takes a last glance at the safely stored items, estimating if everything is indeed unable to topple over. Your dad in the meanwhile removes your lamps from the electricity panel. 

Which person has which roles? 


Don’t know your Skills? Then find them today

Summary: 19 Skills in highly effective teams:

  • Creativity
  • Communication Skill
  • Active Listening
  • Self Discipline
  • Organisation
  • Productivity
  • Motivation Skill
  • Decision Making
  • Leadership
  • People Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Problem Solving
  • Conflict Solving
  • Self Starter
  • Logical Thinking
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Detail Oriented
  • Time Management Skill
  • Stress resilience

The Most Underrated Skill – Teamwork Skills in Daily life –  (+ Definition, Team Roles according to Belbin) Read More »

The Most Annoying, Useless & Nasty Habit -(Overthinking & why it’s no Good)

Are you Overthinking? 7 Signs you are an Overthinker

  • Do you constantly worry?
  • Are you dwelling on things you’ve said or done?
  • Can’t sleep at night cause your thoughts are keeping you awake? 
  • You can’t let go of situations? 
  • Are you constantly thinking about stuff that happened in your past? 
  • You care way too much about what other people think about you? 

CONGRATULATIONS🎉🎉 You might be an overthinker

In this post you’ll learn: 

  • Why you are an overthinker
  • Why overthinking is bad for you and 
  • How to stop overthinking

Let’s jump right into it… 

To be honest with you, sometimes I still think about embarrassing moments that happened years ago – and to make matters worse: I still think about stupid what if’s, even though the other person probably doesnt even remember me anymore. 

And this is exactly Why we should stop Overthinking: It doesn’t change anything at all!

Why are we Overthinking?

Often overthinking is connected to much deeper issues like depression and anxiety. In those cases, we have to work on the underlying issues. Or the following cases might be true for you: 

We have To make a decision about something very important:

Whether it’s changing your job, moving to another city or raising a kid. 

Big decisions have a huge impact on our life. We get insecure. 

Is it the right decision? What are the pros and cons? What if I chose wrong. 

The bigger the decision, the more likely we’ll overthink. 


We overthink when we are afraid. Like when we: 

  • Take an exam
  • Have a presentation 
  • Do a job interview

There are many causes of fear, such as uncertainty, fear of failure. When we are afraid we are prone to more overthinking. 

We have low Confidence or Self Esteem:

In many cases overthinking comes from a low confidence level. You can check your self-beliefs and self-esteem by clicking the links. You might think

  •  Why does she suddenly behave that way, did I do something
  • Does she mean the compliment? 
  • I’ll make a fool out of myself
  • What if I mess up? 

Like every bad habit we first need to find the cause of the issue: So look at your habit traits – where does your overthinking come from? By what is it triggered?

Why Overthinking is bad for you:

You will miss many amazing opportunities by overthinking.

 Just like the 5 Second-Rule by Mel Robbins explains – if you don’t do it in less than 5 seconds your brain will find so many excuses .

Overthinking will not only make you regret all the things you did and didn’t do, you most likely won’t take a future opportunities and you’ll miss out. 

You will start worrying about social situations:

Overthinking can actually make you scared of social situations.

  • Am I wearing the right thing.
  • Will the people like me?
  • What could go wrong?

Overthinking might take the fun out of social gatherings and might even negatively impact your career, as you skip out on social events. 

Don’t hold back because you worry about saying something wrong or looking stupid for stating your opinion. Once you stop overthinking, it won’t be as bad as you think. The same, by the way, goes for your behavior: Don’t overthink what people see when you eat in public.

Overthinking Drains your energy: 

Thinking takes energy and so does overthinking. DO you really want to waste your energy on stuff that’s most likely just an illusion? 

How to Stop Overthinking:

Short-Term Solutions: 

If you are overthinking and struggle to sleep right now, you can do following things: 


  1. Meditate – Try not to think, concentrate on your body and give your brain a break. 
  2. Take a deep breath – in – out – in – out – get some distance from your thoughts
  3. Focus on sensations to stay in the present. The smell of flowers, how the blanket feels against your skin, the movement of the air. 
  4. Tell yourself it is okay. Whatever happened , happened. You will be fine tomorrow. Maybe you’ll even have a fun story for your grandchildren. 
  5. Get distracted – listen to audiobooks or music while falling asleep.
  6. Ask a friend for her opinion – she will tell you it’s nothing to worry about.
  7. Lock away your past. Take the thought and mentally throw it in a bin or lock it in a box. Don’t let thoughts about the past pester you. 
  8. Write it down. Take the narrative of a good and kind friend. Was the situation really as bad as you make it out to be? Change your perspective. 
  9. Work on a task. Without any goals or expectations. Just start. Don’t try to be perfect. Scratch that try to be rotten. 
  10. Accept you ain’t perfect. Noone is and mistakes happen. 
Life is too short to worry so much.. 

Long-Term Solution: 

Build your self esteem: If self esteem is your main cause of overthinking – you won’t get around building your confidence level. But don’t worry! There are so many amazing people who can help you build your self esteem, a crazy amount of blogs to read, and amazing videos to watch. You can also find many self-development topics on this blog!

It probably will be a struggle at the beginning but don’t give it will get easier with time!

I hope this blogpost helps you with overthinking! Feel free to check out our other posts or leave us a comment here or message on Social Media!:




Love from Germany,  

Carina and Julia

The Most Annoying, Useless & Nasty Habit -(Overthinking & why it’s no Good) Read More »

Simple Life Goals We ALL Have + 59 Examples of Goals in Life [+ Free PNG]

No clue what you want in life? You aren’t alone! We read 10+ Reddit threads with hundreds of replies and analyzed 39 quora answers on examples of goals in life.

On the bright side? We all seem to struggle with choosing life goals 

(at least at some point in our life)

  • Many people have overcome their struggles and now know exactly what they want. 
  • And it’s not as complicated as we make it out to be. Actually, it’s simple.  

Need a little inspiration for your simple life goals? Here are our favorite 59 examples of life goals organized by category (along with our thoughts and key takeaways).


  • Financial Stability / Freedom Goals
  • A place to call home
  • Experiences and Growth
  • Relationship Goals
  • Health Goals
  • Spiritual Goal Examples

Well… here is your chance to figure out precisely what you want:


Financial Stability / Financial Freedom

People who say they don’t care about money are full of sh*t. Unsurprisingly financial life goals made it to the top of personal goals. Redditors and Readers on Quora want to achieve: Financial Stability/ Freedom. Their goals include: 

  1. A fulfilling job 
  2. A career in XYZ field
  3. Financial freedom by age xyz
  4. Starting a successful side hustle
  5. Starting a successful business
  6. Paying off all loans (student loan / mortgage)
  7. Saving eg. 15 000$
  8. Earning X amount of passive income. 
  9. Earn enough to comfortably retire

So many of us just want to be financially comfortable. Not worry about the next bill. Go on vacation or that round trip. Afford that house (Can you still afford a house in your country? – And would you even want to? Let us know! ) 

At the same time, we don’t want work to drain our souls. The nagging boss. Boring exhausting tasks. The blame game. 

  • How would your comfortable life look like? 
  • How much money would you need? 
  • And how can you get it without completely draining yourself? 

The world is full of opportunities. Of great people. Of different jobs.. Which options do you have? How could you improve your job? What kind of side hustle would you enjoy? Take on new tasks. Fight for that project at work. Seize opportunities

Do anything, staying in a situation that makes you unhappy day in and day out is just sad…

Set Your Goals Today -The Goal Planning Workbook!

Get 30 Pages of Goal Setting Here!

A place to call Home

Yet another personal goal of many: Have a place you can call home: 

  1. Own a cozy apartment / vacation property
  2. Buy a house/ Tiny house / Mobile home / Victorian house
  3. Have a beautiful decorated home
  4. Be surrounded by people I care about and who care about me
  5. Own a small patch of land
  6. Own a garden
  7. Raise animals
  8. Have a pet
  9. Have a personal library / gym / streaming room / clothing room / loft / workshop / art studio


Many people want to build a “nest”. A place of comfort. What should your “home” look like? With whom would you surround yourself with? 

What gives you a cuddled in a fluffy blanket feeling?

I wish I had a wintergarden with many plants. <3 


Experiences and Growth

Let’s face it. 

A stable life, isn’t exactly exciting. It’s maybe a little monotonous, boring, bland. 

Sometime we need a little *MAGIC*. Some eye-opening adventure. Some alluring escapades. Therefore, it’s no surprise Redditors and Quora Readers want a little spark in their life. Something that engages the brain and pulls us out from our daily rut. 


Here are the top examples of goals in life on experiences and growth: 

  1. Travel the world
  2. Travel to each country
  3. Go to a culinary school
  4. Learn an instrument
  5. Excel at a sport
  6. Write a book
  7. Go to a poem slam
  8. Create a comic
  9. Write a biography
  10. Get an M.D.
  11. Overcome your biggest fear
  12. Learn hand to hand combat
  13. Learn different language (Spanish/ Korean/ Chinese/ Arabic/ Russian etc.) 
  14. Restore an old home 
  15. Write a Screenplay

Free Bonus: Click here to get all 109+ success quotes and words about success delivered to your inbox (for free).

Relationship Goals

In addition to financial goals, growth goals and “home-goals”, Reddit and Quora are sprinkled with Relationship goals.

Not even the most introverted person wants to be completely alone. (There might be some times …) 

Here are the top Relationship goals: 

  1. Fall in Love
  2. Become a parent
  3. Get married
  4. Send my kid / sibling to college
  5. Go on a family trip
  6. Create family harmony
  7. Send kids off to school 
  8. Teach grandchildren 
  9. Help X-Number of people
  10. Care for my parents

What kind of relationship goals do you have? Do you want to help someone? Get closer to family or friends? Do you want to have your own family? Let us know 🙂 

examples of life goals

Health Goals

There is a very fitting quote by the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer on health: 

„Gesundheit ist nicht alles, aber ohne Gesundheit ist alles nichts.“ 

Roughly translated it means: 

“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.”


Here are the top health goals: 

  1. Create healthy eating habits
  2. Try 50 different sports
  3. Walk 100 miles
  4. Run a Marathon
  5. Start a homestead
  6. Lose XYZ kg
  7. Spend x amount of time at the gym 
  8. Get a sixpack 
  9. Learn to do the splits
  10. Take part in a dance competition

What health goal do you want to set? Simple life goals can have a huge impact on your life. Which simple health goals would you recommend? 

Spiritual Examples of life goals

Health isn’t the only goal you should have to stay fit. Often overlooked are spiritual goals. Here are the top goals to nourish your soul: 

  1. Go on a retreat
  2. Find what makes me content
  3. Create the daily habit of meditation 
  4. Make a pilgrimage
  5. Join a group of like-minded people
  6. Volunteer / Do something meaningful 


Do you want the formula for a content and happy life? Here it is: 

  • Be in peace with yourself (and your finances)
  • Connect with others and create a place of comfort for yourself
  • Stay as healthy as possible
  • Nourish your mind and soul

Struggle to achieve your goals? Find out why: 

(Shared by Mindset Motivation)

Go Ahead and Tell Us, Which Examples of Life Goals did we Miss?

Ambitions, aspirations, lifetime goals, dreams, life objectives, life mastery, life worth living goals, life design,  passion and even purpose. Simple Life Goals, Realistic Life Goals or Smart ones

Life goals are called by many words, whatever you call them, once you’ve set your goals and you’ve mastered working on them (each day a little) your life will move in the right direction. 

Yes it is an enormous task to create your ideal life, but you have a lifetime to do so. 

What are some goals that make you feel that spark of excitement? Do you have a favorite goal?

Share them in a comment below.

Simple Life Goals We ALL Have + 59 Examples of Goals in Life [+ Free PNG] Read More »