Lost After Finishing your Studies? – Discover Yourself Through Your Self-Beliefs


 Did you know that who you think you are, defines who you actually are? 


Let’s say you believe yourself to be someone creative. Your mind will find a way to prove to yourself that indeed you are someone creative. You will look for creative exercises and volunteer for creative tasks at work. 


If you think you are great at math you will actually enjoy doing math exercises. Maybe you’ll help explain it to other students. On the other hand, if you think you are a total math noob you might think what’s the point in trying. (Is noob still a thing people say?) 

Don’t believe me? 


Try this: 

  1. Stand straight, lift your arms at the front and next rotate around your own axis without moving your feet as far as you can get. How far did you get?
  2. Next in your mind imagine doing a full turn. Imagine how your arms move. How you feel after doing the full turn. Feel that rotation.  
  3. Now do the turn again in real life. See any changes? 



If you have any health issues you are recommended not to try this!


Most likely you will have gotten further that second time around. When I did this exercise the first time, I was shocked by how much further I got. That first time you got as far as you believed you would get. With a simple mental exercise, this belief was changed. This is a great example to show you how much our own beliefs can limit us. 

How to Change your Life

How to Change Your Life

In an ideal life, we would work at our full capacity. But more often we limit ourselves with what we believe is our truth. Our limiting beliefs are our ceiling. They are your self-imposed limits. Our boundaries we need to break. 


 Often, they are caused by what our parents, social circle, or our environment has told us over many years. Give 10 example of beliefs you have about yourself:

What are 10 of your self-beliefs? 

Are they positive or negative? 

Who caused those beliefs? 

Is that source believable? 


We are made up of a lot of beliefs. Some of my beliefs in life are useful and some are limiting. What are examples of common beliefs in your country? 



Positive self beliefs examples in life

positive self beliefs list

Negative Self Beliefs Examples In Life

negative self beliefs list

In order to have a good life we need to have a realistic self-image or as Dr. Maltz summarized it:


To really “live,” that is, to find life reasonably satisfying, you must have an adequate and realistic self-image that you can live with. You must find your “self” acceptable to “you.” You must have a wholesome self-esteem. You must have a self that you can trust and believe in. You must have a self that you are not ashamed to “be,” and one that you can feel free to express creatively, rather than hide or cover up. You must have a self that corresponds to reality so that you can function effectively in a real world. You must know yourself — both your strengths and your weaknesses — and be honest with yourself concerning both. Your self-image must be a reasonable approximation of “you,” being neither more than you are nor less than you are.

As you go through the posts and take part in the exercises you will slowly see a positive change in your life. The one thing I learned over the years.


Change Only Comes From Experience And Action. 

Just think about it even in computer games you have to gain experience to level up. In other words, you need to take action. In the same way, movie characters make experiences before they change. When something drastic happens we also often change. But rather than being forced to change by an external event. Let’s do it on our terms.

Over the next lessons, we will take a deeper look at ourselves. Amongst others, we will find out our core beliefs, our drivers, our values, and our self-stories. How they impact us. If those beliefs are beneficial to us and if not, how we can change them. 


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Love from Germany,

Julia and Carina