University teaches us how to set SMART Goals. Fairly sure 99% of you have heard about that method. Goals should be:
S specific
M measurable
A attainable
R realistic
T time-based
But how do successful people actually set goals? We’ll take a look:
Sara Blakely - Visualization
Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx swears by this method. When she was still selling fax machines, she envisioned herself being self-employed, selling a product to a lot of people and creating a business, which would fund itself even when she was not around. She said, you have to imagine every little detail.
In Her Book Self-Intelligence Jane Ransom Describes A Visualization Experiment:
Conducted in 1989 in this experiment college students were divided into three teams.
- The students got tested on their dart-throwing abilities before and after an eight-week study. The first group, the control group, didn’t practice and didn’t visualize throwing darts. Their throwing abilities did not improve.
- The second group physically practiced daily for 8 weeks.
- And the third group altered between physically and mentally (visualization) practicing throwing darts. The third group improved the most!
“When you visualize you have to imagine all the body sensations”, Jane Ransom suggests. I found 2 simple visualization exercises:
1.1. Create a vision board.
A vision board does just what it says. It displays what you want and what your dreams are. Typically, it is a poster, or a cork board and you stick pictures and sentences of your dreams onto the board. Every time you look at it you get reminded of where you want to be.
1.2. Try this simple visualization technique
- Find a place where you are comfortable, and you can relax.
- Decide where you want to be or what you want to practice.
- Set the scene. Where are you? Who is there? What does the place look like? What are you doing? What are you feeling? Which sensations do you feel? What do you hear? What do you smell? Imagine the scene as vividly as possible.
- Now practice the action you want to perform.
- Imagine how you succeed in the action and how it makes you feel. Proud? Delighted? Happy?
Oprah - Manifestation & Skill Up
Oprah believes in Manifestation. Here is how it works:
1. You have to want something.
2. You have to imagine how your life is like when you have it.
3. You have to believe it’ll happen.
4. Then let it go and move in the direction of working toward it.
Skill Up

Kylie jenner - Do Something You Love
Do something you love and that you are passionate about so you’ll have something that makes you happy every day.
Carreergirldaily did a great job on showing, which business tricks we can learn from Kylie Jenner.
Set Your Goals Today -With the Digital Goal Planning Workbook!
Candice Oneida - Dream Big
Instead of setting goals you should set dreams, Kaeina Cave recommends. The 22-year old girl already has a minor planet named after her after developing a method for finding nano toxins that form in seawater after oil spills. If people don’t laugh at your dreams, they aren’t big enough.
Heidi Grant Halvorso - Decide when and where you will take action
Heidi Grant Halvorson, author of Nine Things Successful People Do Differently recommends that you know exactly when and where you take action. Your brain will be prepared to take action. Plan and schedule your action
steps. According to studies it increases your chances of success by up to 300%.
Lisa Nichols - Chunk Big Goals into Smaller Goals
Lisa Nichols cuts down big goals into smaller 90-day goals. You should be able to measure your actions, goals and milestones.
Write Your Goals Down
A study by psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews confirms the assumption that writing goals down makes them more achievable. She did a study on 267 people. She separated them into 5 groups and each group had to think about their goals. People who wrote down their goals were more likely to achieve them. People from group 5, which had a whooping 76% success rate wrote down their goals, created actionable steps, held themselves accountable through friends and created a weekly progress report.
Write down your goal along with us daily. Post it down in the comments if you want or message us we will ask you in a few days if you are still on track! Or share it with us on Pinterest. Create an action plan for your next 10 steps and create a progress report, which you will share with a friend or family member. (PS.: Don’t share it with a negative person. Instead, look for a supportive friend)