3 Productivity Traps in Fall + How to Avoid them

The days are getting darker and the weather seems to get worse everyday. Storms. Rainy days. Muddy streets. But fall is also known for its wonderful orange and red leaves, hot delicious beverages and the spooky month called October. While some of us enjoy their time at home, working as motivated as never before, some others seem frustrated and unmotivated.

So why are we impacted so differently?

The explanation is actually quite easy: Some of us finally have time to sit down and get things done (after celebrating a nice summer), while some of us just can’t get into working mode.

If we want to find out how to get more productive in fall we have to find the reasons why we actually aren’t motivated during this time.

Number 1: Being sick

Oh no, not again! Coughing. Sneezing. A bit of an aching throat here and a stuffy nose there. How great! And woosh – motivation fled to the Maldives! Being sick definitely influences our productiveness. Our bodies ache, we are tired all day, burning eyes and our face is as red as if we still have sunburn from the end of July. The best way to solve this is by avoiding it! According to Steven J. Heyden there are more cold and flu viruses hanging in the air if the temperatures are colder.

Now should we stay indoors all day? Of course not! The answer is to strengthen our immune system. Tips for a stronger immune response are published by the medical school of Harvard. Mainly to mention are:

  1. No smoking and less/no alcohol
  2. A balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables
  3. Getting enough sleep
  4. Low stress
  5. Washing your hands
  6. Exercise regularly

Number 2: Being moody!

Yes, the change of season has an influence on our mood. One of the most known examples is seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which are depressed episodes that happen during fall but also spring. A multilevel approach was made by the University of Edinburgh, Humboldt -University Berlin and the Utrecht University. The approach describes how the weather affects the daily mood – including the impact on the energy level, sleep length, weight, appetite and social activities.

While SAD should be treated with the help of a doctor – there are several things we can do if we are just a bit more moody than usual.

  1. Getting more sunshine! Open your windows or take a walk in the park. If you choose the later you will not only have a nice change of workspace but you will also have a quick moment to let your thoughts wander and your brain declutter.
  2. Workout and eat healthy!
  3. If nothing helps: Eat a chocolate bar! Nothing makes a situation better then two layers of sugar
  4. Try to destress or even take a day off if your head feels like it will explode soon.

      Be careful with Vitamin D lamps as it increases the risk of skin cancer (insider.com)

Number 3: Feeling Uncomfortable

Another point to mention is the feeling of being uncomfortable. This could be because it is actually cold in your apartment or you in general feel uneasy or nervous at the end of the summer months (Which actually was named autumn anxiety in 2005 by the therapist Gene Scully). Ms Scully described the feeling of autumn anxiety as the anticipation of something yet unknown and leaving the person feel anxious for what is to come.

As anxiety, just as depression belong both to a doctors job – I have some ways to make you feel less restless at home and to add your place a cozier vibe:


  1. Put on a warm, comfortable pullover and curl yourself into your favorite blanket
  2. Drink your favorite hot beverage
  3. (Turn your heater on if you feel cold)
  4. Decorate your apartment in warm colors
  5. Bake your favorite cake or visit a coffee shop
  6. Write down all of your thoughts and worries
  7. Talk to you friends and family
  8. Light candles (with or without scent)
  9. Craft or draw something
  10. Use an air humidifier (dry air can cause burning eyes and irritation in nasal passages – healthline)
  11. Drink lots of water!
cozy clothes

Extra Tip:

On some days we need to put our work aside to refresh our mind and body. Especially when we are irritated, frustrated or want to throw our laptop out of the window! (You have no idea how many laptops I would have had to buy if I’d actually done that)

Aggressive behaviour, just as swearing, is definitely a sign to take a day off. Don’t think about work. Close your laptop, push it aside. Spend time with your family, hike somewhere, pamper yourself. Just destress for a day or two and you will see how much better it is when you come back to your work project after a relaxing time off.

On the other hand, if you sit in front of your laptop and you just can’t find the motivation to do it -it is time to make a motivational recharge day! Personally I always like to do something that reminds me why I want to reach my goals. For example watching youtube vlogs of people who have reached what I want to reach. Students can watch university vlogs while small musicians can watch covers of popular singers. Rewrite your goals or draw your future life in your own creative bubble. Write down 3-4 small goals you can still meet this year. Or if you are more present based you could make a gratitude list or write thankful letters to the people you love in your life and you are grateful towards.

As you can read, some of the tipps can be done next to working while some are more based on when you take some time off and try to recharge. Of course it is free to you which points you implement and which you omit. In general it is always the best idea to listen to one’s body and to act according to one’s needs.

Don’t push yourself too much if you compare yourself to others who might have a better time during fall. Not everyone is the same. Some struggle during summer months and some during winter. Drink a hot cacao, destress and take your tasks step by step!

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Love from Germany,  Carina and Julia