5 Unique Ways to Have Cozy and Productive Christmas Holidays


How can I be productive for Christmas and still have a cozy time? How can I have a productive holiday season?

When you think about Christmas you probably imagine busy streets, full stores, and trying to find the perfect Christmas present for aunt Susan.

Or your work piles before the holiday season and you never leave the office on time. Coffee. The annoying Christmas jingles that beat at your ears without a single break. Herbert who just can’t stop talking about his family plans. 

Cozy and productive Christmas

Once the vacation starts it’s all about resting, your favorite TV shows, and chatting with your family. 

“Christmas is for resting anyway”, you excuse your piling personal to-dos.

What if I tell you that we can have both, a cozy and productive Christmas? (And a guilt free New Year’s with most our stuff done).

We can be highly productive while not missing out on spending time with our families and ourselves.

How to make Christmas easier?

Christmas can be stressful. But there are several small ways we can avoid huge stress bombs at once if we do following things:

Buy Christmas presents during the year.

Buying presents is one of the most stressful things before Christmas. I am always surprised to see so many people scrambling to get a present on the 23rd.  Why not buy presents when nobody is competing for them?

If you already know what your mom or dad want then you can buy their presents in September or October. You can take the extra time to craft something cool or order something that has a long shipping time.

Cut out high amounts of sugar

Gingerbread and marzipan. The mouthwatering chocolate muffins from the bakery next door. Or the sugary cinnamon latte from your favorite coffee store.


Yes, the winter season is a festival for your taste buds. But just as fast as they give you a sugar high, the effects disappear, leaving you in a tired, fatigued state, ready to nap for a few hours.


Don’t fall into the trap and reduce your sugar intake from the beginning. Grab some healthy clementines in between and eat well enough during your main meals. (No need to cut them out completely)

productive advent calendar
productive advent calendar

How to have a cozy Christmas?

Christmas is all about the atmosphere. When you sit in a dark, messy room, maybe even cold from the snowstorm outside, you won’t feel comfortable.

Instead, we picture warmth and love. Bright, and beautiful colors swirl through the room. The sweet smell of cinnamon. A cozy Christmas starts by satisfying our senses.

We need to get in the mood for the celebrations. So when we ask ourselves:  “How can I make my house feel more Christmassy?” You can do the following:


  • Decorating your home for the holidays (Christmas lights make a nice atmosphere if you don’t have a fireplace) 
  • Visiting Christmas Markets or gingerbread shops (Nürnberg has beautiful stores to check out) 
  • Working in decorated coffee shops (really good when you are in a slump)


  • Craft Christmas DIY’s with natural items like pine cones and branches
  • Cuddle in soft blankets or wear soft and comfortable clothes (comfy socks)
  • Make yourself a hot water bottle or take the time for a hot bath 
  • Take the time to build a snowman


  • Use Christmas scented candles or scented oils (cinnamon, vanilla, gingerbread, roasted chestnuts)
  • Buy and put up a real (not plastic) Christmas tree or branches. Get one in a pot if you don’t want to kill the tree.  
  • Bake cookies in your own apartment 
  • Add scented oils to the bath (cinnamon, vanilla, gingerbread, roasted chestnuts)


  • Eat Christmas treats in small quantities (you can look up recipes with less sugar and bake/cook them yourself) 
  • Drink mulled wine on a Christmas Market


  • Listen to Christmas Songs (if they don’t distract or annoy you) 
  • If you need something more quiet you can try Christmas Lofi instead
  • Watch your favorite Christmas movies
  • Add bells to your door, they will ring when someone enters
  • Listen to crackling fireplaces (Youtube is great for ASMR)

How can I be productive for Christmas?

Christmas is usually the time to take a break from work.  The whole family is getting together and somehow you don’t get into this “productive” state that you need to get things done.

So you either try and give up or you work through it but aren’t satisfied with your accomplishments. It doesn’t have to be like this. You can have both, a cozy and productive Christmas. You just need to work on your time management and setting priorities.

Cozy Christmas

What should we do to make this winter holiday useful?

Rule One

Don’t stress yourself too much. Write down what exactly needs to be done. Set SMART goals. Prioritize what is necessary and needs to be done first. – Tasks that you can’t push up until the holidays are over.

Rule Two

Plan from the beginning so that you have enough time for your family and friends (and for yourself!). Find a balance to handle all three without getting stressed.

You can work on your tasks in the morning (start way before sunrise) and spend your afternoons and evenings with your family. Or you can settle for a few weekdays where you power through and get your tasks done while taking the weekends off to enjoy the season.

Rule Three

Concentrate on one task at a time. 

If you see huge task lists you will get overwhelmed and throw in the towel even before you start. Sit down and plan five tasks for the day. Then cut them down into even smaller junks before you begin. Five tasks are still better than nothing. A Christmas themed pomodoro can help you stay motivated.

Rule Four

Set your family goals and social goals for the season. 

This is the best time to show the people around you how much you love them. Spend time with them, surprise them, take spontaneous trips together. Setting goals for your Christmas season will improve your relationship, help you to bond better and get many cool ideas for what you can do this season.

Rule Five

Take time for yourself. 

Hot chocolates and wine in the bathtub. Christmas is the best time to pamper yourself. In between work and the whole family get together it is easy to forget about yourself. To take care of yourself. Selfcare and/or health-related habits will push your energy and confidence levels up during the day and make you feel more grounded when overwhelmed.

Small motivations during Christmas:

  • Buy yourself an Advent Calendar
  • Share love 
  • Chill work while watching christmas movies
  • Do Christmas themed pomodoros

How to have a cozy and productive Christmas:

How to make Christmas easier 

  • Buy Christmas presents during the year to avoid stress  shopping
  • Cut out high amounts of sugar to avoid feeling drained

How to have a cozy Christmas

  • Create a Christmas atmosphere by satisfying all your five senses (See, hear, feel, smell, taste) 

How to be productive during Christmas

  • Rule 1: Set SMART goals and prioritize
  • Rule 2: Plan your day wisely
  • Rule 3: Only set a small number of tasks per day
  • Rule 4: Set Social and Family goals for the season
  • Rule 5: Take time for yourself

Have a great holiday!