Finding our Hidden Talents and Skills
Today’s topic makes me very excited. It’s about our hidden, or not so hidden, talents and the skills we’ve developed through time. You aren’t lacking. You are a gem. Let’s figure out our talents and skills today and explore some new ways to create our ideal life!

Definition: Talents
Talent is often described as an innate ability a person is born with.
Something that comes naturally. And while I believe we have certain affinities to tasks I am also a firm believer, that talents need to be nurtured. Even a protégé pianist can improve.
Since they come naturally to us, we are often unaware of them until someone points them out.
Definition: Skills
On the other hand, skills are abilities that we develop through experience, studying, and training. When our talents and our skills align, we can reach true mastery.
“Passion without talent is a hobby. Talent without passion is a job, Being passionate about your talent is a calling.” –
Fodder for the Mind
Often people say something along the lines: “It’s easy for you, you have talent/ skill.”
Have you ever had someone tell you that? When someone tells me it’s just talent, I feel like my accomplishments have lost some worth.
Which is funny as a kid we are praised for our talents and as adults we are mostly praised for hard work.
Talent and skills usually come from experience. From failing, learning, and retrying.
Yes, we might have been better at drawing as a child.
We might have been more talented.
We got praise. We drew more. Our stick figures started looking better.
And finally, we drew. Now we have skill.
Don’t let people make you feel bad.
Think of talents as a toolbox we get as a child. Now it’s up to us to learn to use them to their full potential.
Instead of looking at other people’s toolboxes in envy, let’s work together and exchange tools.
If we don’t use our talents and skills, they wither like an uncared-for plant.
35 Types of Talents – A List of Talents / Skills
Here is a list of talents/ Skills you might have. Obviously, we can’t mention all the talents/skills in the world. What hidden talents do you have? Is it on the list? Share your special talent in the comments below.
1. Acting
2. Accounting
3. Baking
4. Calculation
5. Cooking
7. Creativity
8. Design
9. Emotional Intelligence
11. Energy
12. Entertaining
13. Flexibility
14. Gardening
15. Hosting
16. Influencing
17. Language Learning
18. Listening
19. Negotiation
20. Networking
21. Programming
22. Photography
23. Presenting
24. Reading
25. Relaxing
26. Reliability
27. Resilience
28. Researching
29. Selling
30. Singing
31. Strategizing
32. Speaking
33. Visualization
34. Woodworking
35. Writing
How to find out your Hidden talents:
If you want to find out your talents, ask the following questions:
1. What comes naturally to me?
2. What did my parents praise me for as a kid?
3. What did my friends, teachers, and employers praise me for?
4. Whom could I ask about my talents?
5. When people ask me for help, what do they usually want?
6. What makes me special?
Exercise 1:
Write down your talents:
Write down the skills you have learned:
Exercise 2:
How can your talents and skills help you with your daily tasks? Can they make your life better?
How can you use those talents and skills to achieve your goals?
Which talents should you develop?
Whom of the people in your life have a talent/ skill that can be useful for achieving your goals?
Which talent / skills can you offer them for their help?
Which skills would you like to learn just for the hell of it?
Which skills can help you impress your boss?
So that’s it for today. If you enjoyed the content, please register for our newsletter.
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Love from Germany,
Carina and Julia
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