Project Girl 2 Woman

11 Morning Routine Ideas of Successful Women + Free Printable [pdf]

There are a lot of guides on ideal morning routines and rituals to be productive, successful, and healthy, but here’s what makes this one different:

  • It shows you exactly how successful women start their day.
  • You can combine morning routine ideas for your perfect morning.
  • We’ve implemented a successful morning routine that helps us work 10 hours a day. 
We’ll show you exactly how successful women start their day. 
Let’s jump into it: 

You are stressed and overwhelmed? Start your day cozy, comfortable and intentional with a Self-Care Morning Routine and a Self Care Night Routine

Adrienne Finch

The number 1. successful women’s morning routine on Youtube is Adrienne Finch’s. Adrienne Finch is a coach and the host of the podcast “The Self-Made CEO”. She has around 400k followers on her YouTube Channel. I’d call that successful.

  • She tries to wake up every morning at the same time.
  • Right after waking up, she drinks a cup of water against dehydration.

Tip.:  In her video, she had the cup right beside her bed. I guess she prepared the water in advance the night before. (Since I am worried about drinking mosquitoes when I am too sleepy to notice, I recommend a water bottle and a cup.)

  • Then she meditates for 30 minutes and looks at her vision board.
  • After that, she writes 5 minutes in her journal and jots down what she is grateful for.
  • After that, she washes her face and gets dressed. (She said she dresses to feel well!)
  • Moreover, she tries to go to the gym every day to work out.
  • In order to avoid decision fatigue, she eats something similar every day
  • She sits down at her bike desk and works on the tasks she wrote down on her planner. ( Yes, a bike desk! How awesome is that. She can work out while working! Tho, since we haven’t tried the product, we won’t link it there). 

Decision Fatigue:

When you are forced to make many decisions in the morning, it gets harder to choose well during the rest of the day. 

What does your morning routine look like? Share in the comments below 🙂 Here is a free instant download with morning routine ideas.  

One thing that really helps me have a productive morning is making a plan – to stay focused! Check out this gorgeous Morning Routine Planner – with daily checklists + 1-hour routine planners + habit trackers + a free sticker sheet, and a brain dump template to make sure it all gets DONE  

Mel Robbins

Melanie Robbins known for her TEDx talk “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over” and her book “The 5 Second Rule” is an American television host and motivational speaker. Her morning routine looks like this:

  • She wakes up at 6.15 every morning, using an alarm lamp, which simulates the sunrise
  • Then she pets her dog
  • Makes her bed
  • Jumps into her gym clothes, which she laid out the day before
  • After that, she practices gratitude while brushing her teeth.
  • For brushing her teeth, she uses her non-dominant hand as a way to train her brain
  • Then she drinks water
  • Works out
  • And usually eats eggs for the breakfast

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


Who doesn’t know Oprah? Famous for her role as the host of the Oprah Winfrey Show. Sadly, I just found information on her morning routine from here and there. So, I can’t guarantee that the routine is complete or 100% true.

  • Usually, she wakes up around 6.00-6.20 a.m. without an alarm clock!
  • She thereafter expresses gratitude
  • She makes her bed in the morning
  • Brushes her teeth, washes
  • Takes her dogs out
  •  She likes to drink Espresso
  • Also, she mediates in a meditation room
  • Goes to the gym and works out
  • Eats bread
  • Starts to work


Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo is famous for the KonMari Method, a method of organizing and tidying up. She became well known through the Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, released in 2019. She is also the author of 4 books including the bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.


  • Marie Kondo wakes up between 6:00 a.m. and 6.30 a.m. she does not use an alarm either
  • After waking up she opens the windows
  • Then she burns incense
  • She prays for the health of her family and friends without any religious intent, but as a means to feel gratitude

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels

Whitney Wolfe,

CEO and founder of the dating platform Bumble. 

  • Sleeps with her drapes open to rise with the sun
  • She has a bottle of water next to her bed and drinks after waking up
  • Thereafter she stretches on her yoga mat, which she also placed close to her bed
  • The next 30 minutes she spends with her family and dogs
  • She walks the dogs and then dives into work

Arianna Huffington
The founder of The Huffington Post and Thrive Global.

  • Usually, she wakes up without an alarm
  • Thereafter she breathes deeply
  • Thinks about what she is grateful for
  • And sets her intention for the day
  • She also used to take walks in the morning

Amanda Hesser
CEO of Food52, cookbook author

  • Often sleeps through her alarm so her husband wakes her up around 6.45 a.m.
  • She stays in bed for another 5 – 10 minutes
  • She reads the news on her phone
  • Then she drinks a large glass of water
  • Her husband prepares the breakfast and while the kids eat she prepares their lunches
  • After that, she does around 5 – 10 minutes of yoga
  • Thereafter she takes a hot shower
  • For the last 15 minutes she scrambles to get the kids ready and she goes to the office and eats there

Free Bonus: Click here to download 109+ success quotes and words about success .

Jayne-Anne Gadhia,

CEO of Virgin Money.

  • Gets up every day at 6.20 a.m. without an alarm even on the weekends
  • Then she checks her e-mails and replies
  • Next, she checks the BBC News
  • Then Twitter
  • After the work is done, she enjoys breakfast with her family
  • And takes her daughter to  the school

Mindy Kaling KALING

Actress, comedian, and writer of her memoir Why Not Me? 

  • Wakes up at 5 a.m.
  • First applies a face mask after waking up
  • Then she takes a quick shower
  • By 6 a.m. she drives to work

Jessica Alba

Actress and founder of The Honest Company

  • At 5:15 AM Jessica’s alarm goes off.
  • Prepares herself a strong coffee or green juice with a spoonful of coconut oil to get her going,
  • And then go to a hot yoga class. She tries to work out every day for 45 minutes, usually in the morning.

Michelle Phan

Michelle Phan is known as YouTube Beauty Guru with 8.9 Million subscribers. She is an American makeup artist, entrepreneur, and author of the book Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success–Online and Off. 

  • Wakes up without an alarm
  • Next brushes her teeth and while doing that she does squats
  • Afterward she showers
  • She puts on her waterproof phone case and  checks her e-mail
  • Next, she does pushups in her living room, answers more e-mails, then checks her schedule for the day
  • Dresses according to her schedule
  • Takes 5 minutes for her makeup
  • She washes her hair and blowdries it which takes around 25 minutes

You might be also interested in how successful women set goals.

What’s your favorite ritual? Comment below. Also, check out our free morning routine list below, you can combine morning routine ideas to create your ideal morning.

And as always, we’d be happy if you subscribe and follow us on our social media.

Twitter: Girl2_Woman

Instagram: ProjectGirl2Woman 

11 Morning Routine Ideas of Successful Women + Free Printable [pdf] Read More »

18 tried techniques to improve and Combat procrastination + Free Worksheet

INTRODUCTION – Combat Procrastination


Right now, I am fighting the urge to start a binge marathon on Blindspot. And I am sure my place definitely needs a thorough cleaning as in right now. How long has it been since I dusted? For sure I cannot be the only procrastinator out there?! Comment below if you procrastinate and how you combat your procrastination. Has procrastination ever gotten you in trouble and how?


This post will be uploaded a little too late, because yesterday afternoon I thought reading a Karen Rose thriller is the better idea. It’s almost funny, how when a deadline comes close, I am suddenly capable of pulling all-nighters and writing page after page in one go, but when I procrastinate a simple task can drag on for days. And then there are the non-procrastinators. The ones who say: Just do it!  As if it was that simple… They do not understand. I can’t “just do it”. It feels like me having to fight against my own mind. We procrastinators are not lazy. Do not let anyone tell you that. It feels more like something is blocking us. I guess there are people, who also tell a depressed person “cheer up”.


You might think, why should I listen to her obviously she still procrastinates. But believe me it has gotten so much better. Living as a procrastinator I have learned a trick or two to overcome procrastination. Of course, I still have bad days. But the productive days outweigh procrastination days.


I am sure what I have learned might help you as well. And researching this topic helps me. I will jot down some techniques that work(ed) for me and also some that others recommend. I will try new things and I recommend you do the same. Try different methods until you find the ones that suit you and the situation.





For me it helps to imagine my urge to procrastinate as my inner child. Let’s call her Nina. That’s the way my grandparents used to call me when I was small. She is my sub consciousness. She likes playing and immediate gratification. What she does’t like is boring adult stuff. Pain. Uncomfortable situations. And long-term planning. She is more the live in the moment person.  


Her slogan:

Why wait, let us have fun now!

No to Work

She especially gets triggered when: 

  • Tasks are boring 
  • The goal is unclear  
  • The goal is unachievable 
  • I do not know how to actually complete the task 
  • Plans are overwhelming 
  • No end is in sight 
  • I see no prompt rewards
  • Fear of success, embarrassment, and failure
  • The task makes me feel uncomfortable
  • It is important to me and I want to do especially well
  • I am excited about something else
  • I am lonely

Those situations make her stronger. Who is your inner child? How does your inner child get triggered?

The other Part of my mind is my conscious mind. Adult me. That part of me makes long-term plans. Wants to be successful. Has goals. So how come that tiny me can beat adult me? Logically I should have the upper hand.

Imagine a little kid in your head asking for sweets. Over and over again. We know it is a bad idea. But in certain situations, we might get weak. Especially when:

  • we have low energy. For example, after a long workday.
  • we are lonely or sad
  • we have failed before
  • the task goes against our values or what we subconsciously want
  • perfectionism      

Those situations make adult me weaker.

First you feel good about giving into the distraction. And then the guilt comes. And the more guilt we feel the more we procrastinate. A guilt-procrastination loop starts. That behavior is downright self-defeating.

One thing always beats the inner child. Hard deadlines. The little kid understands punishment and fear. And a missed deadline is usually something that would lead to severe punishment. 

Obviously, we do not want to wait till hard deadlines get close. And Important long-term goals often do not even have deadlines. So, let us take a look at how we can overcome our inner child.

18 Methods To Combat Procrastination And To Improve Self-Regulation

1.    Combine Boring Tasks With Fun Activities

As said before one of the reasons why we procrastinate is that tasks are downright boring. This does not please our instant gratification driven inner child. There are ways to make the tasks more enjoyable, such as
combining the unpleasant with the pleasant.

You do not like working out? Watch a movie while you do it.You do not like learning languages? Go to a language meetup or learn through comics. Your dishes are piling up? Let a friend clean them. Just kidding. Do them while you call a friend. If you can combine a boring task with something you enjoy your brain will automatically connect the positive emotion with the task. Be careful not to only do the fun part thought.

2.    Watch Someone Else Work On A Similar Task

It often helps me to watch a Youtuber study while I study. I like to watch TheStriveStudies. Or go to a library to work on a project. It increases my motivation when others are working as well. I guess if they work and don’t look like it hurts, the task can’t be that bad. My inner child must think if they enjoy it, I can enjoy it too. 

3.     Listen To Music

I think music is the greatest invention of all time. Listening to one song can immediately change my mood. When I feel anxious about starting a task, I always listen to studio Ghibli Music. Sometimes I have to turn on the music real loud. So that it drowns out my thoughts. It calms me down and as soon as I hear the songs, my brain knows it is work time. After about 15 minutes I can turn off the music. I no longer need it. But especially when I start It helps.

4.    Take A Deep Breath

Whenever you feel like you don’t want to start. Breath in hold it. Breath out slowly and while you do that start the first task. You have to completely focus on your breath. Push down all other feelings and thoughts. Every time you feel the emotions rising repeat the exercise.

5.    Create A Clean And Quiet Work Environment

For me working at a messy table surrounded by clutter is bad. Doing so between my chatting family members is the end of any productivity I might have had. It’s especially difficult if I have to watch others having “fun”. If
you get easily distracted by your surroundings create a calm and clean space or go to a coffee shop or library. Clean the desk at the end of the day or the next day cleaning will be another opportunity to procrastinate.

6.    Remove Distractions

I like gaming, so before important tasks I send my people farming. If they are busy, I can’t play. Or I turn on the app forest. The app lets me grow trees and if I use my phone, while the app is turned on my tree dies. I also try to remove my phone, tablet and all other kinds of distractions from my workspace.

7.    Have A Clear And Achievable Goal

Often, I procrastinate because my goal is unclear, or even worse I logically know it is unachievable and I know I will fail for sure. So, I procrastinate to avoid the inevitable failure. Step one is to set clear goals. Plan time buffers when you prepare your calendar for unexpected occurrences.

8.    One Step At A Time

Every journey starts with a single step. Break your goal down into tiny, actionable steps. And then concentrate on one step at a time. Don’t look ahead. And don’t look back. I really like hiking. When you hike up a mountain and you look up you get exhausted just by looking at all the steps still left. So, it’s better to focus just on one task at a time.

9.    Promise Yourself To Work At Least 5 Minutes On The Task

Write down, that you will at least try to work 5 minutes on a task. And if you have done that congratulate yourself. Don’t get angry, if you don’t do more. I am sure you will work more than 5 minutes, because once you
start it gets easier.

10.     Start With An Easy Task First

Starting is the most difficult part. It is like a threshold. Once you’ve crossed starting it just flows. So, starting with an easy task might help. And when you have had the success of finishing one task you are more likely to finish the next task.

11.    Do The Worst Task First

Sometimes it is better if you start with the worst task. At least you know nothing worse will come all day. And you will feel accomplished even if you can’t finish the other tasks.

12.     Adapt Your Tasks To Your Productivity Cycle

During mornings and evenings, we generally feel more productive. Especially in the mornings we have more
willpower left. And as a women did you know that your menstrual cycle also plays an important role in your productivity? Adapt your schedule to your personal productivity cycle.

13.  Reward Yourself

Spoil yourself for a job well done and celebrate the little triumphs. Your inner child will be happy if it can actually see the immediate effects your hard work has. One has to fall in love with the process.

14.   Set A Date, Time, And Place

When you put on your to-do list “work out” without any time or place. It will be easy to postpone. The more specific with the date, time and location you are the less likely it is you postpone.

15.   Real Deadlines Instead Of Fake Deadlines

I learned the hard way that fake deadlines are useless. What are fake deadlines? Fake deadlines are self-given deadlines. For example, if I say until next Sunday, I will have read a book I most likely won’t do it. No one will hold it against me if I do not achieve it. On the other hand, if I join a book club and I have to present the book next Sunday I am fairly sure I will be done by that time.

16.  Self-Forgiveness

According to Dr. Ferrari a psychologist and the writer of Still Procrastinating: The no Regret Guide to getting it done around 20% of all U.S. adults are chronic procrastinators.  So, do not be too hard on yourself. I certainly still have to learn that. Self-criticism and self-loathing just causes stress and even increases procrastination.

17.  Break The Habit Of Procrastination

Here the good news stopping procrastination gets easier. With every task you finish despite the urge to procrastinate it gets easier. Your willpower is like a muscle the more often you train it the stronger it will get. So, try not to procrastinate on easy tasks. See them as a chance to break the procrastination habit, which forms after some time. Do the dishes on time, before they pile up ß Note to myself. Make that call you really hate. The longer you wait the more difficult it gets.

18.   Use Procrastination

Last But Not Least. Sometimes You Can Use Procrastination. For Example, You Can Swap The Task You Are

Procrastinating On With A Task That Is Also Important. You Procrastinate On One Task And Do Another. Maybe 

The Second Task Is Less Important, But It Also Has To Get Done. E.G. You Don’t Want To Make That Phone Call, 

So You Prepare A Whole Presentation, Which Is Due Next Month In Advance. 

So that’s it.  Quite a lot to digest. Try out some of the tips and see if anything works. Also check out the free worksheet. We’d also be happy if you subscribe to us for new updates or follow us on our social media. If you have any questions or content you would like to read about, message us.


18 tried techniques to improve and Combat procrastination + Free Worksheet Read More »