Project Girl 2 Woman

13 Tips on how to focus on one thing at a time

Focus on one thing well, or on many things so so.

I sit down ready to start a new blog post.

*Bing* the sound of an incoming e-mail. Crap I still need to reply. 

And suddenly the blog post gets postponed. 

How often are you falling for distractions? I challenge you to write down every time you lose focus. 

Do you think about other stuff each time you start working on something?  Do you get sidetracked while you are on one task?

As a freelancer I have no set schedule, so it took me a while to create a productive work routine. I think routines and an organized life are really important to stay productive. The next weeks I’ll be sharing my personal tips that I’ve learned the past 6 months. 🙂 Enjoy Carina

Today we’ll do a few things that will help us stay tunnel-visioned and focused on one task at a time. 



Tip one try Single-tasking: It is the opposite of multitasking. You take on one task at a time. If you focus on one thing at a time you’ll be able to focus more, be more productive, and achieve your goals faster. If you do too much at once you’ll get overwhelmed and give up.



(There are exceptions check out how to be more productive here) 


Staying focused is difficult at times sometimes we have too much energy, sometimes too little. Sometimes we are emotional and sometimes the tasks are boring. Here are some methods I use to keep my mind from wandering or overloading myself with too many tasks.

1. We use the Pomodoro Technique

This is definitely one of our favorite focus methods. You set a timer for example for 25 minutes. During that time you can only work on one task. Next, you take a 5-minute break to rest your brain. We did a whole post on the Pomodoro Technique here. Try our favorite Youtube Pomodoro Timers or Online and Offline Pomodoro Timers for maximum focus.

2. Use Background Noise To Focus on One Thing at a Time

I am using instrumental music as we speak. I try to use the same song each time I start work. This way, I get into “work mode” much faster. I hear the song and I immediately know it’s time to work. White noise drowns out distracting sounds. 

I really enjoy productive work beats, lofi music, or ghibli music. 🙂 Are you a ghibli fan? 


Here are some more background noise ideas: 

  • The sound of rain, thunder, and wind
  • Birds chirping
  • Coffee shop sounds, restaurant sounds, and library sounds
  • A crackling fire
  • Binaural Beats
  • Medieval, Classical, or Fantasy Music
  • Modern instrumental Music
  • Lofi (eg. christmas lofi)
  • Hip hop beats
  • Jazz, Blues
  • Dark Academia

After a while, I can turn off the music and work without it. 

3. Get A Separate Space for Work and Fun

This is a game-changer. Truly. 

I enjoy chatting. So when I work close to someone. I procrastinate big time. Also people come and ask for help and I suck at saying no. 


Having a separate space for fun and for work will help you shift your mind from laziness to work. Even better if it’s a place where no one will bother you. 


Create an area where you do all your work-related tasks.  Keep all the necessary tools you’ll need at hand. This way you won’t have to get up while working. Also, prepare a cup of water and some healthy snacks for your work session. 


Here are some home office inspirations. 🙂 If you share your workspace with other people:

  1. Set clear boundaries. Let them know, when you need to focus on a single task. 
  2. Start work before they come or work after they have left to get some uninterrupted time. 
  3. If they are noisy bring headphones. 

4. Make sure you have all the information you need

Nothing breaks focus like searching for a document. Prepare all necessary information before you start work. Best yet go digital with your documents. Not only will you save paper you’ll also be able to find information faster. To focus on one thing at a time keep documents you don’t need, out of sight.

5. Fresh air

A Research by Harvard University’s Healthy Buildings states that good ventilation can give you as much as 8% productivity boost. Make sure to open the windows from time to time to get some fresh air. I certainly forget to do that during work sessions.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation makes people unfocused and less able to concentrate. If you’re having trouble focusing, try getting at least seven hours of sleep each night. Sleep deprivation causes many problems including poor concentration, memory loss, and even depression. If you’re having trouble staying focused at work, try going to bed earlier and waking up later. 

7. Eat breakfast

Eating breakfast helps keep you focused throughout the day. Try eating something high-protein (like eggs) and low-carbohydrate (like oatmeal). Heavy meals make me feel drowsy right away.

8. Exercise regularly

Exercise boosts blood flow and oxygen levels in your brain, making it easier to think clearly. A good workout also increases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Exercise is a great way to release stress and tension. 

The easiest exercise my former boss swore by is taking a walk during lunch break. Try it. Walk briskly for 20 minutes or our Walking Challenge. You’ll feel much better afterward. I also feel that it’s easier to self-motivate after a workout.

How to focus on one thing at a time

9. Take breaks

If you find yourself staring off into space, take a break. Go outside, do some deep breathing exercises, or walk around for five minutes. When you return to work, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

10. Drink water

Drinking plenty of water keeps your brain sharp. Dehydration is a real focus killer. According to a study by Shaun K Riebl and  Brenda M. Davy you are impairing your cognitive abilities with as little as 1-2% of water loss.

11. Avoid caffeine

I know I might get some enemies. Hear me out. Caffeine can jitter your system making you unfocused. For people like me let’s opt for herbal teas or decaf coffee, when we need to work.

12. Meditation

Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and relax. If you have been struggling with focusing, meditation may help you get back to where you were before. There are many different types of meditation, but they all work similarly.


You sit down comfortably and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. As you breathe in, imagine yourself filling up with positive energy. When you exhale, let go of any negative thoughts or feelings. Try not to think about anything else while meditating. Instead, focus on your breath.

13. Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a great way to calm your nerves and relax. Sit down and place both hands on your knees. Take slow, deep breaths in and out through your nose. Inhale slowly and deeply, hold for five seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat this cycle until you feel relaxed.

Why can't I stay focused on one thing at a time?

Here are the top reasons you might be unfocused: 

  • You’re not getting enough sleep.
  • You’re stressed out and worried. Stress affects our bodies physically and mentally. When we feel overwhelmed, we tend to lose focus and become less productive. All that worrying takes energy. 
  • Your phone or tablet is distracting you
  • You are super excited 
  • You’re eating junk food. Do you get tired after a heavy meal? That’s quite normal.  Eating unhealthy foods can make it harder to concentrate and focus. Instead of grabbing fast food, choose healthier options. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, and beans before working. Avoid sugary drinks and processed snacks while working.
  • You are multitasking
  • Interruptions a breaking your concentration
  • You feel strong emotions. Are you sad, angry, or scared? Strong emotions can make you lose focus too. 
  • Other people are distracting you
  • Your tasks are too boring. Are you working on something that makes you frustrated, because it’s so repetitive and boring? Maybe the reason why you can’t stay on topic are non-engaging tasks.  

When do you struggle the most with focusing on one thing at time? What are your favorite focus tips? Share them in the comments. 🙂 Make sure not to miss an update. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media. Here are some posts that migh interest you: 

13 Tips on how to focus on one thing at a time Read More »

The Ultimate Decluttering Checklist – A Guide To More Productivity

Self Care starts with a Clean environment

The feeling of a freshly decluttered home feels like a brand-new start. We don’t even realize how much all the clutter is burdening us until it’s gone. 


So, for the last week, deadline given by my mum’s sudden announcement of a visit,  I’ve been giving my home a deep cleanse and declutter. I hadn’t even realized how much stuff has found its way into my home the past year since I’ve moved in. 


By the end of this post you’ll know exactly: 

– what to do the next 30 days to declutter your home

– get a free step-by-step decluttering checklist
– no longer get overwhelmed by all your stuff


Here is why you should declutter and how to do it! Especially since Christmas and Christmas visitors are around the corner. 


Why you should Declutter:

Clutter attracts more clutter” – happysimplemom

It’s simple to put another container in the corner when there are already container friends waiting. It’s much harder to disturb “virgin space”. 


  • I think a messy place can cause a lot of discomfort when you invite friends or family over. Especially when they are of the super tidy kind. Not that I would say clutter is something to be embarrassed about. We all have busy lives.  And sometimes other issues are more important. 
  • Easier and less to clean. Of course, to declutter shouldn’t just be done for others. Decluttering means a lot less dusting and cleaning. The less you have the simpler to clean. Imagine swiping a surface and there are 20 trinkets. It’s a lot easier if there are just 1 or 2 picture frames. It’s all about making your life easier.
  • It’ll get a lot easier to find things. Sometimes I am a little airheaded. I put my keys or glasses somewhere. Ever had to search your glasses without glasses on lol? On a clean surface it’s a lot easier to find your stuff. 
  • Clutter causes stress and reduces your focus. We are already working from home most of the days. That situation is already stressful enough. So let’s remove some stress by decluttering! Here is a post WHY MESS CAUSES STRESS.

What makes your place look cluttered: 

In order to declutter you need to know what makes your place look cluttered in the first place so I checked out 25 things that make your home look cluttered by thesimplicityhabit. Check the link for the whole post! To sum it up the following points are often at fault for making our home cluttered: 


  • Overfilled bookcases 
  • Over accessorizing 
  • Items on surfaces 
  • Things without a home 
  • Supplies on tables 
  • Mail on the counter
  • Papers and magnets on the refrigerator
  • Laundry left sitting out
  • Oversized organizers
  • Paperwork
  • Things overflowing from their designated space
  • Trash and empty boxes
  • Magazines and newspapers 
  • Mismatched items
  • Shoes
  • Knick-Knacks

How to Declutter Efficiently: 

Now that we know why we should declutter and what makes our home look cluttered. Let’s check out some strategies to declutter. 


The Flat Surface Method

Haha no idea what to call it. In any case this is my strategy:


  1. I take all the stuff that is lying around at my place or doesn’t have a fixed space and take it to my biggest empty surface. By the end all my clutter is on the table. (If the table is not big enough you might use the floor).
  2. After emptying all the messy looking cupboards and shelves I give them a thorough swipe. 
  3. Next, I prepare some containers or shoe boxes to use as organizers and a big bin or plastic bags for the trash. 
  4. Things I haven’t used in a long time are either thrown away, recycled or brought for storage to the cellar. As a help I go through the following questions: 
  • Did I use the item within the last year? 
  • When will I use it the next time? 
  • Could someone else I know need it? 
  • Do I just keep it for sentimental reasons? 
  • When did it expire? 
  • Is it broken, if so can I fix it, is it worth fixing? 

Generally, I have difficulties throwing away stuff. But since I also don’t buy “useless” stuff my place isn’t very cluttered. And I try to declutter at least once a year. It took me a few tries to throw away a wrapper my grandmother gave me before she passed away. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If you can’t throw it this time maybe the next time you declutter you will be ready. Each time a little. 


  1. Whatever is left gets sorted into the cupboards. I try to have a fixed place for everything. 
  2. Last step is maintenance. And that needs a lot of discipline. When you get something out put it back immediately after using it. If not the surfaces will start to get cluttered again. 

While I do this, I watch some decluttering TV show or Cleaning show. It helps me stay motivated. 

You can also use the method mentioned by Happysimplemom. For this take a laundry basket and start in one room.  Grab everything off any flat surface and put it in the basket.  Then, start putting things in their designated place. 

The Konmari Method is a simple method developed by Mari Kondo, where you tackle your clutter according to stuff category instead of room by room. 

The categories are: 

  • Clothes
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Miscellaneous Items
  • Sentimental Items

According to Mari Kondo you first have to commit yourself to tidying up and next imagine your ideal situation. You start off by sorting and throwing out all items that don’t spark joy in you. Before you throw them away you should thank each item sincerely for being of service . When discarding you follow the order as mentioned above. 

Start with 5 minutes  a day:

Start simple when you are new to decluttering

One item at a time:

When you declutter, throw away one piece at a time. If you remove one or 2 items a day that’s a lot in a year. 

Try to fill 1 trash bag:

Try to fill a trash bag as fast as you can. You can even make it a family challenge.

Take the 12-12-12 challenge: 

Throw 12 items away, donate 12 items, and put 12 items back to their places

Get help from a friend:

Have someone over you trust and help you clean out some stuff. They won’t have your emotional attachment and bring  a fresh few viewpoints.

If you want to read more tips, click the link above!

Here is a List of items that can be decluttered: 

  • Kitchenware
  • Books 
  • Room Decoration e.g. Candles, Trinkets Vases 
  • Seasonal decorations
  • Magnets
  • Gadgets
  • Craft supplies 
  • Unsorted Photos
  • CDs, DVDs, and Games
  • Computer equipment
  • Furniture
  • Clothes
  • Jewelry and Purses
  • Bedding
  • Bathroom utensils
  • Office supplies eg. Pens
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Old batteries
  • Manuals
  • Magazines, Newspapers, Coupons
  • Board games
  • Toys
  • Food
  • Documents
  • Pet supplies
  • Plastic bags
  • Sport Supplies
  • Plants
  • Boxes

Read: 7 Simple Steps to Organize and Declutter your Notebook

30 Day Declutter & Cleaning Plan

Click to buy our step by step 30-day declutter and cleaning plan. It’s a cleaning checklist and right now it’s only $1.99. 

So that’s it for today. If you want to get informed about the latest updates, please subscribe to our newsletter. Last but not least we update every Wednesday and every Saturday. So, it would be great to see you again. Also, for updates follow us on:


Love from Germany,

Julia and Carina 

The Ultimate Decluttering Checklist – A Guide To More Productivity Read More »

Free Unique Halloween Planner Spread for 2022 (Freebie Inside)

The Halloween Planner Spread of 2022 is here!

Hello Champs! 🙂 How is your fall productivity going? 

Now that the weather is getting cold and foggy we struggle to get ourselves up and out – or is it just me? 


To make your fall season a little bit more spooky (and productive) we have an awesome Halloween freebie for you!


Psst! it’s a daily planner to get more done in autumn. 


You can put together your own schedule – whether you are a student and employee or simply want to achieve your life goals. Of course, the perfect fall printable is available in cute orange colors (but it also looks great in black and white) 


What do you want to achieve in the next seven days? Or even until New Year? Share it in the comments or let us know via Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest!

Now lets get back to the Halloween Planner Spread:

(Click on the picture to get forwarded to the pdf version of the seasonal planner)

Not enough time? 


Then I highly recommend you the following posts to manage your time better!


If your are interested in other printable planners: 


Then check out the Free Daily Productivity Planner or Purchase the Morning Routine Planner for $3.99 right here


That’s it for todays post! Hope you enjoy this season’s  Halloween planner spread and we see each other in the next post! Stay Spooky ~

Free Unique Halloween Planner Spread for 2022 (Freebie Inside) Read More »