“I will be the fastest runner in the whole world”, 10-year-old Carly proudly tells her mum. “Well,” her mum says, “let us go out and practice running right now”.
“Nah mum, not today. I will start running tomorrow. Today is too cold”. 30 years later Carly still dreams about running. She wonders: why am i so demotivated ? Has a lack of motivation ever held you back from achieving your goals? If so, say yes to yourself.

Self-Motivation is one of the most important skills we can develop. Especially when days are awful, or we don’t feel like it at all. Don’t turn into Carly who years later regrets that she hasn’t achieved her dreams. If you want to learn how to motivate yourself keep reading. The guilt and regret you will face, if you don’t do something is by far worse than the discomfort you feel when you are demotivated.
why am i so demotivated ?
First, We Have To Figure Out Why We Are Not Motivated Or Why We Are Even Demotivated.
In common language we talk about demotivation as if there was only one kind. When in fact there are different flavors of demotivation. As there are different flavors of happiness or sadness. Let’s take a look at some demotivators:
1. Your Teacher Sucks
Did you know that according to a study by Dornyei (1998) a teacher can be a huge Demotivator in Language Learning? The teacher’s energy level, mood, teaching methods, and personality play an important role in your motivation. I am sure this doesn’t only count for language learning.
Have you ever Had a bad teacher that sucked your motivation right out of you? Funnily the teacher never thinks he is the cause of your demotivation and blames you.
Bye to them. Time to change your teacher? If that’s not an option try to find an additional teacher or a workgroup that motivates you.
2. You are demotivated by fear ?

Are You Afraid Of What Happens Once You Have Finished A Task? Let’s Say Trina Really Wants To Go To That Course, But She Just Lacks The Motivation To Prepare The Application. She Is Procrastinating. Well, Maybe She Is Afraid Of Meeting New People. Of Going There Alone.
Be aware of your fears and how they might affect your motivation then give yourself a little push. Courage – you can do this! Maybe one of your friends can give you a little pep talk. And hey what’s the worst that could happen? Usually we make it bigger than what it really is.
3. You Are Demotivated Because Of Bad Goals ?
Does Your Goal Really Resonate With Your Values? Is It Really What You Want? Or Do The Expectations Of Your Loved Ones Influence You?
Liz is supposed to apply for a job. Her Mum wants her to become a tax accountant working for the government. Day in and day out crushing numbers. Urgh.
Liz loves creativity. Her Mum told her accountant is a safe job. Well paid too. Liz just can’t find the motivation to send that application. Well maybe it’s better to change the goal in that case. Your subconscious is telling you something. For Liz it’s: DON’T BECOME A F*** ACCOUNTANT!!

4. Low Energy
Don’t you get enough sleep? Or you didn’t eat all day -now you are tired? Don’t expect yourself to move and stay motivated when you are too tired. Check out those methods to have more energy.
5. You Feel Bad
Ever Had A Really Bad Day? Of Course, You Had. Don’t We All Have Bad Days At Times? Just Imagine You Went To Work, Forgot An Important Report, Scrambled The Data Together, And Got Scolded By Your Boss. On Your Way Home Someone Spills Coffee On You, And To Make It Even Worse Once You Get Home You Realize Your Boyfriend Has Eaten The Last Chocolate Pudding. Do You Think You Will Be Motivated To Sit Down And Study French?
Sometimes you have to relax. Take a walk. read a while, calm down, and then try again.
6. Your Task Confuses You
Is Your Task Clear To You? Is It Too Big Or Too Complicated? Let’s Say Your To Do List Says: Create A New Campaign. Would You Know Where To Start? Hell, Would You Even Know What The Campaign Is For? If Your Tasks Aren’t Specific Enough And Too Big You Get Easily Demotivated.
Define a clear to do. Break it down into small and simple junks. Even if you just do a few of those junks you will get closer to completing the task.
What causes demotivation at work?
- Lack of Appreciation: You don’t think your boss or colleagues value you.
- Lack of Clarity: You don’t know what your tasks actually are about.
- Lack of Information: Necessary info is missing and you don’t know how to get it.
- Lack of Freedom: Your boss is micromanaging you.
- Unkind Colleagues: They make fun of you when you make mistakes.
What demotivates you? How could you counter those demotivators?
How To Motivate Yourself?
After Eliminating Or Reducing Your Demotivators You Can Start Motivating Yourself. Either With Extrinsic Or Intrinsic Motivators. Extrinsic Motivators Mean That The Motivation Comes From The Outside, From Your Environment. Wouldn’t It Be Awesome To Motivate Yourslef Whenever You Want?
Examples For Extrinsic Motivators:
Extrinsic motivators are your sticks and carrots, your rewards, and punishments. Examples would be:
Extrinsic motivation works really well for simple tasks, such as getting a pay raise if you pack boxes faster than your colleagues. If you have a simple task you can use extrinsic motivation to push yourself. If I run 5km I will watch that new movie.
During the candle experiment conducted by Duncker, it was found out that extrinsic motivators actually reduced performance for creative tasks. Candidates were asked to find a way to attach a candle to the wall with the following materials:
The participants, who were told that they would get money if they were the first to find a solution did worse than the ones who did it for fun. The higher the rewards the lower was the performance. When the participants received an easier version the ones, who received rewards did better than the ones who did it for fun.
Source: https://blog.thebaseline.co/dunckers-candle-what-are-you-for-fdfeae8a8c4
Extrinsic Motivators:
Work really well for Simple Tasks with a Narrowed Focus
They narrow your point of view, therefore they don’t work well with creative and complex tasks
When you are already interested in a task, extrinsic motivators can make the task seem like work and reduce motivation!
For which tasks could you use extrinsic motivators? How would those motivators look like?
Examples of instrinsic Motivators
Intrinsic Motivators come from within you. You engage in a task because you find it rewarding. For example:
If your boss gives you an interesting task you will be intrinsically motivated, as you enjoy the task.
Intrinsic Motivators are good for:
Creative and Complex tasks Intrinsic Motivators come from within you. You engage in a task because you find it rewarding. For example: If your boss gives you an interesting task you will be intrinsically motivated, as you enjoy the task.
Intrinsic Motivators are good for:
Creative and Complex tasks
Tasks you know you would enjoy
You can turn a task into a game, give it purpose, or try to master it to intrinsically motivate yourself. Google uses this method for example when they give their employees time to work on projects they enjoy. You can turn a task into a fun challenge with a friend.
Where could you use intrinsic motivators? What would they look like ?
Bottom Line
The next time you ask yourself: Why am i so demotivated ? You’ll know there are demotivators, which reduce your motivation. Try to figure them out and cancel or reduce them, as they hold you back. There are intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. For each task choose the suitable method. Extrinsic motivators work better on simple, repeatable tasks, while intrinsic motivators work better on creative and complex tasks.