Do this when you are always tired -> Know your Energizers & Drainers

Are you tired? Slept for 12 hours but still feel like a train hit you?


Today I woke up and felt like a wet sock. I could barely keep my eyes open. And working out felt more tedious than ever. So I wondered how can I gain energy fast? How can I feel more active and energetic? To get the motivation to get at least some stuff done (No high expectations there…) .


I imagined we are all like little phones. Some stuff depletes our battery (drainers)  and some things charge us (energizers). When you know your energizers and drainers you can use them to gain energy and stop the depletion.

So I decided to charge myself just like a phone 😉 

Let’s take a look how energizers and drainers work and how you can “charge” yourself: 

Energizers and Drainers

What are Energy Drainers:

“Energy drainers are those things that we are tolerating, ignoring, or putting up with that are draining us of our precious energy.” –  Old town athletic campus

How to get your Energy back:

There are three ways to get your energy back: You either remove drainers from your life, you add energizers or you add energizers and remove drainers.


Energizer Examples:

Use these for some energy boosts! Find out what works best for you! 

Time off

Maybe You've Reached The Point Where Your Battery Is So Depleted You Turn Off

Life can be stressful, especially when you work towards your goals while having a 9-5 job. Even though a break might seem impossible at the moment it is definitely worth taking one if you want to increase your energy levels. (Also, a break doesn’t necessarily have to be a full week, it can be one evening without a single thought about work, it can be a 5 minute walk or a comedy movie.

Little self-care acts

Another energy booster is self care. Self-care is great as it doesn’t take a lot of time but instead are small simple acts during the day.  

  • Take a cold or hot shower
  • Make your favorite tea. 
  • Buy yourself flowers. 
  • Go shopping.

Working out/Jogging

This is a long-term Solution

Half asleep? Get your heart beating. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention recommends a weekly input of 150 minutes of Moderate-intensity aerobic activity (biking, dancing, brisk walking, hiking)  or 75 minutes of Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (running, swimming, ball sport, gymnastics) . Additionally you should add Muscle-strengthening activities on 2 days per week. Sounds a lot?  Calculated it is only 30min of exercise per day. Not only will it boost your energy but also your health!

Drinking drinks with electrolytes

This is a quick solution 😉

Electrolytes “ regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood acidity and pressure, and help rebuild damaged tissue”- Medical News Today. The author also states that electrolytes in a body include sodium, potassium,calcium,bicarbonate, magnesium, chloride and phosphate. Which means that an imbalance causes excessive tiredness and weakness. Taking care of your electrolytes is another way to keep your energy levels in check. (Be aware! You can also have too many electrolytes!)

Eating healthy meals

Another long term solution. Have a healthy diet for high energy levels. Here are the best and worst foods to boost your energy.

Being creative (reading, playing instruments, drawing)

Boring tasks are so … dull. No wonder you get tired. Instead do something creative. Learna new hobby. Engange your brain. 

How can I get energy right now? Quick Energizers:

Here are some quick energizers to feel active and energetic. Figure out which ones work best for you to recharge when you are tired: 

  • Powernap 10 Minutes
  • Don’t move your head but look up 
  • Drink a cup of cold water
  • Rinse your hands under cold water (I do that) 
  • Get fresh air.
  • Do some Jumping Jacks
  • Sing a song (loudly + dance)
  • Get a little sunshine. 
  • I tidy up (relieves my stress) 

Drainer Examples:

Bad sleep cycle

A bad sleep cycle could be not sleeping enough, sleeping too much, or sleeping at the wrong times. According to healthline, sleeping too much can cause low energy, anxiety, memory problems, and headaches. A lack of sleep, on the other hand, can cause “fatigue, short temper and a lack of focus” – NHS. Sleeping at unusual times can either come from your lifestyle (studying till late at night or having night shifts) or it could be the Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS). DSPS is a problem with your body clock and thereby makes you sleep at a later point in time. If you have symptoms of DPSP – please contact a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Not drinking enough

Surrounding yourself with draining people

They suck you out like “turning on the location on your phone”. Stay away from people that uncharge you. 

Unbalanced Diet

I think the most unhealthy meals are junk food and quick meals found in supermarkets. Why? Because they contain a high amount of carbs (and fat and sugar and a lot more that is unknown to the consumer) But carbs have a really bad impact on your energy level. Even though after consumption your energy will increase for a short while, you will soon after be met with being exhausted and tired – The Daily Meal.  Make your own meals, add a ton of vegetables and fruits, and you will see how your energy level increases.

Immediately checking your phone after waking up

Checking your phone right in the morning not only wastes a lot of time but it also causes stress and anxiety – Medium. The reason why it is part of the drainers is the brain capacity we waste right off the bat. According to Srini Pillay  we only can focus for a certain amount. If we focus for too long we will get tired and can’t concentrate properly. If we start our day with Social Media we literally waste the time we can focus best.

Spending too much time in front of a screen

You know we work in front of the screen. I think we spend most of our time in front of a screen so it’s not easy to avoid the screen. But at least after work we can do something that doesn’t involve thechnology. 

Constant stress level

Bottling up your emotions

Keeping everything in isn’t healthy. Something that you probably already know. But why? Because it  can turn into emotional exhaustion making you feel drained once again. According to healthline it also has following symptoms: lack of motivation, trouble sleeping, irritability, fatigue, increased pessimism

Are you an Energizer or Drainer?

But energy drivers are not only actions and situations. You, as a person, can give or drain other people from energy ( Leadership and Change Magazine). Just think about one person that makes you feel super drained after a conversation. Why do you think is the person draining energy? What are his words, his body language, his emotions?


Now think about yourself. Are you having the same aura? Do you think you give or drain the energy of others? 

Oh no! I think I am  draining them. What do I do?

Change your energy levels. Change the way you are thinking. Of course you can always add the energizers mentioned above to raise your own energy and hope that you automatically will change your influence on others

Just think about someone who is hangry. He spits out mean and hurting words and in general is just exhausting to be around. But if that person eats a good amount of food he will transform into a very happy and gentle person who makes you laugh a lot. He will bring you energy once he is no longer hungry. 


If adding energizers to your life is not enough you need to change the way you are thinking. Being pessimistic and spreading pessimistic thoughts is draining. Instead of telling others about giving up you can motivate them.  Instead of talking about controversial topics like politics, religion, etc you can talk about recent events that bring joy to both of you. Don’t take life too seriously. Instead  use your humor and character to make others laugh.



Find out your personal drainers and energizers. Think about a person or situation that gives you physical or emotional strength. It could be your cat,  pineapple pizza or a cool game. When you are sad or frustrated what lifts your mood? 

Then think about what drains you: Was it  a bad result or an exhausting conversation?  Or do you have to make a really hard decision? 

Think about it. Write it down. Remove drainers and add what gives you energy instead. 

That’s it for today! Check out our full How to Change Your Life Series if you didn’t do so already and have a great weekend! See you in Lesson 8 🙂

<< LESSON 6 

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Love from Germany,


Carina and Julia

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