The Top 5 Android Productivity Apps for 2022

Today I’d like to give some extra tools for staying productive. It would be amazing if you share down below what your favorite productivity apps are – for both android and ios. There are a ton of apps out there and I also would love to test one of your favorite productivity apps! Now let’s get started 🙂

#1 Notion

Our absolute favorite this year is Notion.  You can download it on your phone, desktop, or use it online. 

#2 Google Calendar

For most of my life, I used Google Calendar – it’s easy to enter events and to share your calendar with all of your devices. Google Calendar also offers you a very pretty layout with all important national holidays noted. As for entering data, you can create criteria with a unique color each, which makes it easy to just blend out (or in) whatever criterion you want to concentrate on.

Google Calendar

So, when you click on the “Add” button is it also to mention that you cannot only add events but also a reminder or even a goal. This is just perfect for hitting deadlines, pushing further to your goals, and practicing consistency. One last good point I want to mention is that you do not have to switch accounts if you want to access the calendar of another google account. Google Calendar offers you to see the calendar information of all accounts linked and puts set deadlines in one combined overview. Great right?

#3 Google Drive

The second productivity must-have is the Google Drive app. Usually, the App is preinstalled and free – if not you can find it in your play store. Google Drive is great to share files and literally any material used for teamwork. It is also easy to work with as it has a very simple design and a smooth drop-down window for uploading files. Furthermore, Google Drive also has the advantage that you can immediately create a word document or any Microsoft Office Online document and share it via folder or simply the document itself.

Now, Microsoft Online has the benefit that you can work parallel to your team members on a document. This definitely helps make a group meeting easier, as well as the sharing of tasks and the team atmosphere in general. And if we are honest, working together is a lot more fun than sitting on a project alone.

#4 Zoom and Slack

I name those two in a bundle as I always used it together. Slack is ideal for sharing ideas and feedback. You can create channels based on projects or groups and either make them viewable by all people invited or lock them for specific people only. The good thing is, one can always comment and react to another person’s entry. I’d personally say Google Drive is amazing to share files but Slack is great to be more interactive with the team as it is a lot easier to communicate by chat.

As for meetings, I would recommend you to try out Zoom. I have to say that Zoom barely has bugs or lags and I was able to use it with a horrible internet connection too. But the actual reason why I recommend Zoom is the breakout rooms. Breakout rooms give you the opportunity to split a general team into smaller groups and give them the possibility to switch back and forth between one big group and small groups. Now this is perfect if you have one big team but need to split work in between them (Of course you can just have a normal meeting too!) Also, Zoom is easy to work with as it has a simple design.

#5 Forest or Study Bunny

Now we come to the probably most known productivity app: Forest! 

The trick behind the app is, that the user sets a timer and then doesn’t interact with her phone until the time is over. You are rewarded with a healthy tree if you succeed or if not, you will have a dead tree in your garden. While you not only work hard in real life and get your tasks done you also have the opportunity to unlock cool new trees for your garden. Plus did you know that you can grow real trees with credits in-game?

Forest App
Study Bunny

Now, if you say “Trees aren’t really in my interest”, I have a nice alternative for you: StudyBunny. I am using the app for over half a year now and I just can recommend it. Study Bunny has the same principle as the forest but you can use your phone while the time runs. Instead of planting trees, you will get coins that you can exchange for your bunny’s clothes, work equipment, backgrounds, and more. Also, study bunny has an integrated to-do list, a cool work log where you can integrate criteria with unique colors, and also a function to practice vocabulary. And for the animal lovers: You can actually feed your bunny with carrots!

#6 HabitBull

 Before you are done with the settings you choose the target days for success which is recommended to be 66 days (as it takes 66 days to change a habit).  In the main menu, you can see how your progress is in form of a diagram and statistics. This app is especially good if you put more importance on some habits as you can see how well you did in every habit separately – and it is free!

I have tried a ton of habit trackers and I finally stuck with HabitBull. HabitBull has a very simple design which makes it easy to use but it is also nice to look at. When you choose a habit you can pick between certain criteria and then enter whatever your new habit should be. This gives you the opportunity to see similar challenges and to get even more inspired to pull through. Then you can choose how you want to measure your success, a specific color, and when exactly your day is successful.


So these are the top 5 productivity apps for your android phone – if you have further apps you like to recommend: Feel free to leave a comment and I hope you are productive!

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Love from Germany,

Carina and Julia