Project Girl 2 Woman

How to Boost your Energy Fast- 10 Causes of Tiredness

Are you so tired after work that you barely manage to eat and fall asleep while watching TV? Do you want to boost your energy fast?  Are you sometimes so low on energy that you go straight to bed? Who needs to take off makeup anyways…? 

On your weekends you need the time to reenergize instead of spending fun time with your friends and family? Not even thinking about personal growth projects and time for personal goals.

Now would you like to have more energy? To go with your friends to the cinema or the amusement park on the weekend?


To have enough energy and motivation to work towards your goals? Instead of spending all your energy on accomplishing your company’s goals? Would you like to jump out of your bed excited instead of staying in zombie mode all day? 

How to Boost your Energy Quickly

Well so do I. I think what keeps me back the most is low energy. So, I went ahead and did some research. In the following you will find what I learned. Try out at least one energy booster and share if it worked for you!


This post might contain affiliate links for products we enjoy. If you purchase a product through our link, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

           “How much energy you have impacts how
others see you.”

Learn about your individual Motivators and Demotivators to easily boost your motivation. 

What is Energy?

The word energy comes from the Greek word energeia, often translated as “being at work”.

Energy is basically the capability to work.[1] 

(If you want to learn more about the historical development of the term click here).


What I learned about energy is that there are mainly three types of energy.


          Mental Energy

          Physical Energy

          Emotional Energy


Those three types of energy are interactive. If one energy level is low, it also drags down the others.

The four main areas, which affect our energy level are: exercise, food, health and rest

Definition Energy

10 Causes of Low Physical Energy and how to boost it:  

1.       Not enough Sleep or Poor Sleep

4-6 hours of sleep during night are common for you? The average adult needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day. Not enough sleep during your night makes you tired the next day.  I know it often feels like the day doesn’t have enough hours. And I am sure you have often enough heard you should sleep enough. And not any kind of sleep you should get uninterrupted sleep.


If you need encouragement to sleep enough:

·         Sleep can boost your sex drive! Guys let your women sleep!

·         Sleeping even helps you with weight loss.

·         Sleep helps you get a baby. No sleep doesn’t necessarily mean no baby… just saying.

·         Sleep boosts your immune system.

·         You’ll be more productive too; in case you worry about leftover tasks.

·         It also reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes

·         Scientists found out sleep deprivation has similar symptoms to being tipsy.

Bottom line sleep is good for your energy level and your health. 

How to sleep better to boost your energy

Here are some Sleeping Tips:

·         Exercise for 10 to 30 minutes a day, but do not work out right before sleeping.

·         Go to bed and wake up on a regular schedule.

·         Try to keep electronics out of your bedroom.

You can find more sleeping tips here.

Also Read: Reboot your Fried Brain – Brain Fog Remedies when your head feels like mush. 

2.       A Lacking Diet

Are you working on losing a few kg and not eating properly? Are you skipping meals, such as breakfast? Or are you often too busy to eat? In that case you might be too tired because you don’t get enough calories.

If you don’t fuel up your car it won’t move. Same goes for your body. Long breaks in between eating can cause your sugar levels to drop. Therefore, you feel tired.

Or perhaps you don’t have time to cook so you keep  eating store bought lunch boxes low on nutrients. A car fueled with low quality gas might also stop working.

Ask yourself the following questions:

          Is my diet balanced? Is it healthy? For real?

          Am I skipping meals?

          Do I eat enough vegetables and fruits?

          Do I drink enough water?

          Do I drink a lot of alcohol or caffeine?

Healthy Food


    • Fuel yourself with nutritious foods.
    • Eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, grains, protein
    • Drink around 8 cups of water per day
    • Try not to skip meals. Since I am a typical breakfast skipper that’s a reminder to myself lol
    • Eat foods with a low Glycemic load.

The glycemic load measures the speed that sugar is going into your blood stream. Foods with a high glycemic index cause fast energy sparks. Quick spouts of energy. But in order to control this sudden increase in sugar your body releases insulin, which might cause a sudden crash in sugar levels “Sugar Crash”.  You can find a chart for common foods here.

Foods That Boost Energy:

Here are some foods that quickly boost your energy: 

3.    Stress

How often do we come home after a really stressful workday and feel like our battery is empty? Don’t even get me started on exam period.

Stress increases your cortisol level cortisol reduces the production of ATP and increases inflammation, A real energy zapper. What can you do against stress?


  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Meditation
  • Mindful breathing
  • Enjoying a hobby
  • Doing tasks before they turn into stress monsters!
  • Self-Care

4.    You are not active enough

It is almost funny how a lack of activity causes more tiredness and therefore you feel even less like working out. It is a right downward spiral. You don’t feel like working out. The next time you feel even less like working out. Does that mean if you don’t work out you will never feel like working out


  • Prepare your workout outfit in advance. You can even go to sleep with fresh workout clothes.
  • Stick to a daily 5 to 10-minute commitment.
  •           Start simple and build up from there. It won’t help if you are a total newbie decide to do an abs challenge if you won’t be able to move the next 7 days. 


A quick workout can get your heart rate going and it’ll give you energy fast. You’ll instantly feel more active and energetic. I especially like to start my morning with a quick warm up. 

5.       A Vitamin D Deficiency

When we are exposed to sunlight our body produces Vitamin D. It is a super important Vitamin. Estimations show that as many as 1 billion people might have a Vitamin D deficiency. Check out the article here. Especially the last decades vitamin D deficiency has become a common health issue, as we spend mor time inside at the desk.

Since it always rains in my home village…

Scientists found out that the darker the skin color the higher the deficiency. As melanin reduces the skins ability to produce Vitamin D from sunlight.  


          Take walks outside

          You can get your Vitamin D level checked.

          If there is no sun you might take supplements. Do only take the recommended doses and speak to a doctor or a pharmacist. 


Here is a list of Vitamins that boost your energy.

6.    Anemia

A common cause of tiredness for women (especially if you have a heavy period or are pregnant!) is anemia caused by iron deficiency. Women need about twice as much iron as men. For men anemia is a little less common, but possible. Anemia in men can for example be caused by ulcers. Read more about iron deficiency caused anemia here.

Ask yourself the following questions:

How do I feel before, during and after my period?

Do I feel weak? Is my skin pale? Do I often get headaches?


  • Get your iron levels tested by a doctor. A simple blood test can show if you have an iron deficiency.
  • Eat iron rich foods, such as spinach, dark chocolate and oysters. You can find a list on high iron foods
  • Avoid eating foods that hinder iron absorption at the same time you eat iron rich foods, such as milk and cheese. According to an article by the International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology you should have a 2-hour span in between. You can find a list of foods that impair iron absorption
  • If you are a vegetarian keep in mind that plant-based iron, called non-heme iron is less easily absorbed by the body as meat-based heme iron.
  • In severe cases your doctor can prescribe you iron pills

! Too much iron can cause an iron overload leading to vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, and fainting.


 7.    Depression

Depression doesn’t only lead to emotional symptoms such as anxiety and sadness it can also lead to tiredness. Especially these days, due to Covid-19, many of us are lonely. We miss our family. We are isolated. Please get professional help or talk with a friend or family member if you continuously feel low.

You can find further information on depression and depression symptoms here.

8.   An Underactive or Overactive Thyroid

The thyroid is a gland that regulates your metabolism. When it is underactive you might feel tired, gain weight and get depressive.

Depending on how strongly your thyroid dysfunctions you can get medicine prescribed by your doctor.

Here you can find an interesting article on a recommended diet in case of a thyroid disfunction.

9.   Overweight

If you are overweight, you have to carry around extra kg. Tasks, such as walking up the stairs, or walking get harder. You need more energy to move your body around.

As a solution try to start with simple exercises every day. Consciously decide to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Also change your diet. As a first step cut out sugary drinks or at least reduce them.


10.   Bad Eyesight

Did you know that you can get super tired if you keep on overexerting your eyes? I was wearing my old glasses really long. After long workdays my eyes were bloodshot at times and I was always super tired.

Changing my glasses was a huge energy booster. If you constantly feel tired and your eyes are itchy get your eyesight checked. Chances are you have a bad eyesight.

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Boost your Energy Fast

What to Read Next:


There are three different types of personal energy. Mental Energy, Physical Energy and Emotional Energy. Today we learned about 10 common causes of low physical energy and how to battle them.

Causes include:

          Lack of Sleep or Poor Sleep

          Poor Diet


          You aren’t active enough

          A Vitamin D Deficiency



          An Underactive Thyroid


          Bad Eyesight


Over the next day’s try to write down, what drains your energy and what gives you energy? Are you overworking? Don’t you eat enough?

Last but not least we update once a week. So, it would be great to see you again. Also, for updates follow us on:


§  Pinterest 

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§  Twitter


Love from Germany,


Julia and Carina 

How to Boost your Energy Fast- 10 Causes of Tiredness Read More »

How to get rid of a fried brain – brain fog remedies

“You need to insert X… Are you listening?

My colleague keeps droning on. I stare into space. 

My eyes are seeing, but not seeing. I try to focus, but my brain feels like cotton candy. Full yet empty. 

What is she trying to tell me? Focus. 

“And if you… ” I lose the sentence again. I feel stupid. What is she trying to tell me?


The inability to focus and troubles with paying attention are called brain fog, or clouding of consciousness and sometimes it’s caused by brain overload. Or as we call it a fried brain. When I started a new job I got a serious case of brain fog, because of all the new information, the stressful situation, a lack of sleep etc.. So here is what helped me overcome it: 


This blogpost is about stress-related, sleep-deprived and overloaded brain fog. Please be aware that we have no medical background. These are tips from our personal experience. If you can’t get rid of your brain fog you might want to see a doctor. 

So what is brain fog or as it is also often called the clouding of consciousness?

Suzie C. Tindall, of NCBI (National Center of Biotechnology Information)  explains the term like this : “Clouding of consciousness is a very mild form of altered mental status in which the patient has inattention and reduced wakefulness.”


In simple: You can’t concentrate, focus, or pay attention like you’d normally would. 

Brain Fog Symptoms:

  • Low Energy
  • Feeling of Guilt
  • Feeling Empty
  • Feeling Confused
  • Low Focus
  • Low Concentration
  • Fatigue and Tiredness
  • Aching Body
  • Troubles Remembering 
  • Headache or Tension
  • Forgetfulness
  • Demotivation
  • Insomnia
  • Mood Swings
  • No Ideas

Brain Fog Causes:

  • Stress
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Diet
  • Too much Screen Time
  • Hormones
  • Medical Conditions
  • Depression
  • Viral Infections

Have you ever had brain fog? If yes, can you relate to the following story? 

 Anna is a 28 year old full time blogger, who shares an apartment with her brother. 

Like every morning Anna’s alarm goes off at 5:00 a.m. but this time she struggles with waking up. Her whole body feels tired and her eyelids are so heavy  – so, she falls back asleep. At 8 a.m. she finally crawls out of bed. Despite washing her face with cold water, Anna still feels too tired. So she skips her morning workout and instead just moves to her desk and starts working.

At 10 a.m. her brother finally strolls out of his room, he says: “You are working so hard”. “Not really, I am super tired”, Anna answers. After emptying another a cup of coffee Anna continues.

Anna stares at her desktop looking distant. She must have read the same sentence 10x by now. Instead of being productive she struggles with simple questions. She starts massaging her head. “You have a headache?” her brother asks. She looks confused: “Yes, my head feels really fluffy. Somehow I cannot think straight and my concentration is non-existent “. 

Short-term remedies against Brain Fog & Fried Brain I use:


Fried Nuggets on the left, Brain Image on the right and Arrow pointing at the nuggets Heading: Fried Brain

1. Naps: 

A short nap during the day is for babies only? Not at all!. Napping has many benefits for adults as well. mentioned that a “40-minute nap improve[d]s performance by 34% and alertness 100%”

2. A Short Walk:

Taking a walk can help you release stress. According to studies, a short walk can decrease your blood pressure and heart rate. Often we get a fried brain when we are overwhelmed and overworked. Take a short walk in nature to relief your stress. 

3. Meditation: 

Especially if you always have something on your mind and you constantly are worried to forget an important task or meeting: Meditate. Meditating will give your brain a break, reduces stress, helps with anxiety and improves your concentration level. And if you always have a hectic day: try to implement 5 minute meditations into your work routine!

4. Small Breaks

I always get brain fog when I work too hard and too long without giving my brain a break. So, if I finished a difficult task and my brain is fried the next morning I like to do fun activities: Watch a movie, read a book, draw and listen to music. If I can’t concentrate on the book either I usually go tidy up as a clear space is a clear mind. While working, switch between brain intensive and simple tasks.

5. Brain Dump

Sometimes we have so many worries and problems our brain is feeling overwhelmed. Take a piece of paper and write everything down that is on your mind. Once you’ve written everything down you’ll feel a, a lot better and b, you might find a solution to your worries. You might also figure out that a lot of your problems are just in your head. 

6. Cuddles Against Fried Brain

When we cuddle with someone else, our bodies release oxytocin, a hormone that reduces anxiety and makes us feel relaxed. Grab your loved one, dog, cat, or teddy bear and release some stress to clear your fried brain.  

6. Break your Tasks into Tiny Steps

 Write out each step of the task.

– List any materials that you need.

– Make a list of things that you want to do.

– Create a schedule for yourself.

– Set aside enough time to complete the task.

Long-term Brain Fog & Fried Brain Remedies I use:


1. Healthy diet as A Fried Brain Remedy: 

A healthy breakfast here and a healthy lunch go a long way. A healthy diet will increase your concentration and your focus. You will be less tired as nutrient-rich foods help to beat fatigue and If you have a lot of brainwork to do: try out one of these brain booster foods: Blueberries, dark chocolate, nuts, boiled eggs, kale chips. They are perfect to snack on while working, are healthy and improve your brain performance. Here is a list of supplements that help with brain fog

2. Regular exercise

The University of Hampshire posted an article on the 24th January 2018 where they discussed the effect of exercise on one’s performance. It states that exercise increases endorphin levels and improves your sleep and focus. The Harvard Business Review also linked a sharper memory, faster learning, an increased concentration and a lower stress level to exercise. So ladies! Take your yoga mat or dumbbells and let’s kick this brain fog’s butt!

3. Self-care

Self-care is important. Have you ever worked day and night and felt super stressed out but there was still no end in sight? Yes, I think we all have been through something familiar (don’t ask me how often I worked on essays last minute and then stayed awake for several days just to hit the deadline). But self-care is not only important for your body but also for your brain! Taking a hot bath will help you relax your body and soul.

4. Enough Sleep:

Sleep is a natural human need, and we have been doing it since our ancestors were cavemen. Sleep helps us recover from the day, and gives us time to recharge before we go back out again. However, many people don’t get enough sleep, and if they do, it isn’t always quality sleep. Here are some reasons why you should make sure you get at least seven hours of restful sleep each night.

1. You’ll feel better

When you’re tired, your body doesn’t function well. Your brain won’t work properly, your immune system won’t work efficiently, and your muscles won’t perform optimally. When you’re not rested, you’re more likely to experience headaches, fatigue, and mood swings.

2. You’ll look better

A good night’s sleep makes you feel refreshed and energized, and it shows. If you want to look great, you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. A lack of sleep can cause dark circles under your eyes, bags under your eyes, and wrinkles around your mouth.

3. You’ll think more clearly

If you’re feeling tired, you may find yourself thinking about things that aren’t really important. But when you’re well-rested, you’re able to focus on what matters.

4. You’ll live longer

According to research published in the journal Circulation, people who got less than five hours of sleep per night had a higher risk of death over a period of 10 years compared to those who slept for eight hours or more.

What To Read Next?

How are you easing your brain fog? Comment below!

And like always we wish you a great week!

Carina and Julia 🙂

How to get rid of a fried brain – brain fog remedies Read More »

Daily Summer Routine 2022 – Stay Productive & Organized In The Heat

I wake up. The blanket has been kicked out of bed long ago. 

It’s hot. I am sweaty. Despite the aircon running all night. The heat wave is here. 


I am not complaining. Coming from Germany sunny days are scarce. I don’t want to anger the weather fairy… 


Korea on the other hand is hot and humid during summer. 


Is the heat getting to you in your country? What’s your temperature? Does the heat make you less productive?


Today we’ll take a look at how to stay productive in hot weather, organized and fresh during the summer despite the heat and the constant urge to take a shower. Just in a second I’ll tell you what works for me. Before that: 


Why listen to me, well I have a 1 year old toddler to take care of, just started to grow a second blog (check it out if you are curious), I have all the house chores and despite all that I’ve been going strong daily for 2 months now without feeling burned out -yet 😉 . 


Let’s jump right in:

A Summer Morning Routine To Stay Productive

Are you feeling sluggish, tired, and unmotivated? Does heat make you less productive?

Let me assure you it’s normal:

According to a study by researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in 2006performance increases with temperatures up to 21-22 °C, and decreases with a temperature above 23-24 °C (73.4°F-75.2°F). The highest productivity is at a temperature of around 22 °C (71.6°F) ”

Well let’s take a look what we can do during summer days to stay productive despite the heat:

1. Get up early. When the heat is still bearable.

I personally like to get up early to work on tasks during summer. Usually before 8 a.m. the temperature is still bearable. Try to get up as early as you are comfortable with and start fast. Make those morning hours count. Open all the windows before the sun gets too strong. Let some fresh air in and shut the curtains before the sun comes. Work out and do all the taxing tasks in the morning.

2. Take a cold shower to wake up.

Start your day with a cold shower to clear your mind. You’ll instantly feel refreshed and awake. You can also just splash your face with cold water if you are dreading a full-body shower.

3. Make a bun

Tie up your hair to reduce the heat. I almost always have my hair in a bun during summer. I can’t even imagine how a dog might feel with all its fur. A bun and wide, flowy clothes. Also don’t forget applying your sunscreen *Reminder to Myself.

4. Drink a cup of water (or 2)

Right after getting up drink a cup of water or 2. Like I said we sweat a lot during night. Replenish your water tanks right after getting up. Here are some summer health tips by Dr. Mike. At 3:15 he’ll talk about hydration. 😉 Drink water throughout the day.

5. Eat small snacks and salads instead of big meals.

Digestion needs energy. If your energy is already low because of the heat try simple foods during the day. Plus cooking makes you even more sweaty…

6. Don’t go full aircon

Turn on the aircon too high and you might get sick during summer. So stay a bit below the outside temperature and don’t try to turn your apartment into a mini fridge. The good point is that if the weather is consistently warm you’ll actually adapt. Your body will get better at handling the heat according to an article by Katherine Ellen Foley as you get used to the heat “our hearts start to pump blood more efficiently to the rest of our bodies.”

Look at how 11 Successful Women start their Morning Routines

7. Work in a cold place during the summer heat

I think most of Europe still doesn’t use ACs. So if your home gets too hot. Work in the basement or go to a coffee shop that has an AC. Shopping malls usually have fans and airconditioners too. Set up a small water fountain in your home. It’ll not only cool down your place the sound of the water will also increase your productivity.

8. Wet Towels

This trick might help you when it’s hot and dry. Use a cold wet towel and put it across your shoulders or arms to cool down. I used to live in a top-floor apartment. During the worst heat waves, I used cold towels to cool me down. Especially when you try to fall asleep they can help.

9. Splash your wrists with cold water during the day

Need to cool down during the day. Put your arms under medium cold water. Or get a cold footbath. 

Need a little Self-Care during Summer? Start a Self-Care Morning Routine. 

10. Try doing a Siesta

You know how people in the Mediterranean region take breaks during the afternoon when the heat is the most unbearable. Unless you have an aircon keeping productive during that time will be hard. A nap can help you reduce your body temperature and you’ll feel a lot better after taking a rest.

Do you remember Thursday afternoons in school? You hear the cicadas chirping. The smell of sweaty teenagers and way too much deodorant.  The rustling of paper and the scratching of pens. It’s finally quiet in the classroom because no one has the energy to chatter. 


The teacher comes in. He’s in a good mood. (Bet the teachers had air conditioning in their room. German schools generally had no aircon. I think they still don’t have.). 

“Pop up quiz guys, put your notes away. This will be a fun one.” 


Jisung Park, assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, writes that “taking an exam on a 90◦F day leads to a 10.9 percent lower likelihood of passing a particular subject (e.g. Algebra), which in turn affects the probability of graduation.” compared to a low heat day.

11. Make it a habit to tidy up

For me in order to stay productive my room has to be organized. Plus I do not want my place to be a mess cause I am slacking off in the heat. Make it a habit to clean, organize and declutter after waking up and before going to bed. 5 Minutes a day can make a giant difference. Try it out. Set a timer and see how much you can do with 5 minutes.

12. Read, read read

Reading doesn’t take a lot of energy. So the summer is perfect to get in the habit of reading. What is the best summer routine for you? You can also turn writing into your new daily routine.

13. Time for fun activities in the afternoon

  • Swim at the pool, a lake or the ocean
  • Meet friends at coffee shops
  • Make Ice Cream
This is really important to recharge.

14. Wrap your day up by making a schedule for the next day

To Schedule, the next day helps you plan out what you want to accomplish the next day. It’s a great tool to improve your productivity. You can use your Calendar, To-Do Lists, or Journal. Check out our Productivity System here.

End your Day with the best relaxing Self-Care Night Routine.

Here are productive things to do over the summer at home:

  • Learn a New Language
  • Take up Yoga/ Photography/ Dancing/ Pottery etc. Classes
  • Volunteer
  • Start a Side Hustle
  • Take an Online Class
  • Plan your Ideal Life
  • Declutter your Home, Photos
  • Declutter your Laptop, Mail, or Smartphone
  • Message Friends, you haven’t heard of in a While
  • Organize your Finances
  • Upcycle Old Furniture
  • Plant a Herb Garden
  • Start a Workout Routine
  • Start writing a Book
  • Plan your Next Trip

And this is what your Productive Daily Summer Routine could look like:

Morning Summer Routine - Bedtime Routine

6:00 a.m. – Wake Up

6:05 a.m. – Drink a Cup of Water

6:10 a.m. – Get Dressed, Bathroom Stuff

6:25 a.m. – Generously apply Sunscreen

6:30 a.m. – Make your Bed & Open all Windows 

6:35 a.m. – Take a short Walk or Workout

7:00 a.m. – Eat a small Snack, Breakfast

7:15 a.m. – Work on a personal Goal 

 (Learn a Language, Work on a Side Hustle, Learn a New Skill)

11:00 a.m.- Prepare a light Lunch

12:00 p.m.- Eat Lunch

12:30 p.m.- Do the Dishes

13:00 p.m.- Do Something Fun 

      (e.g. Drawing, Crafting, Surfing)

18:00 p.m.- Eat Dinner

18:30 p.m.- Work on Personal Goals

20:30 p.m.- Do a quick Clean of your Apartment/ Room

21:00 p.m.- Read a Book, Watch Documentaries, Schedule your next Day

22:00 p.m.- Go to Bed

What do you think about this morning routine list? What does your summer morning routine 2022 look like? Last but not least check out this awesome infographic on productivity during summer by grasshopper. You can also pin the Summer Routine for later 🙂 

Wrapping it up:

In order to have a productive summer despite the heat wave, it helps to have a summer routine.


Here are some posts you might want to read: 

  1. Here is our Ultimate Post on Goal Setting
  2. Need some Focus Tips Cause you are Overwhelmed? 
  3. If you don’t know how to prioritize your tasks check the 80/20 Rule
  4. Are you lacking motivation? Here are Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivators you wish you’d tried sooner. 
  5. Struggling with Self-Discipline? Check out our tips. 
  6. Here are some tips if you are a Procrastinator and need a little push. 


Daily Summer Routine 2022 – Stay Productive & Organized In The Heat Read More »