Project Girl 2 Woman

When Willpower Fails: Decision Fatigue and Christmas Gift Shopping

Today at work you have to organize and plan the Christmas event. You love Christmas so when it’s time to decide the decoration you are extremely excited.

You enthusiastically pick the music, decide on Christmas gifts, arrange the chairs, decide how to design the invitations — It’s fun!

But as the day drags on and you have to make more and more decisions you get more and more tired (and irritated). Your colleague asks you the 5th time where to place the Christmas angels. And why can’t she decide herself?

And why did you have to end up preparing the event anyways?

And finally, after work  your boyfriend asks you: Hey honey where do you want to eat out?

Tired you answer wherever you want. Ending up eating Greek food, when you would have preferred to just snuggle in front of the TV. This feeling is called decision fatigue.

You might wonder, what has decision fatigue to do with buying presents? If you are curious read on:


What is Decision Fatigue?


Your willpower is like a muscle. So, when you use that muscle you use energy. As the day goes on and you exert the muscle it gets increasingly tired. You get decision fatigue. James Clear defined it as follows:

Decision fatigue happens every day in your life as well. If you have a particularly decision-heavy day at work, then you come home feeling drained. You might want to go to the gym and workout, but your brain would rather default to the easy decision: sit on the couch. That’s decision fatigue.



So, in the evening, when it’s time to pick the presents for your family, your willpower muscle is exhausted. You chose the quick gift. The easily available one. You know it isn’t personalized at all.

You know it isn’t something your mum or dad would love, but because you are tired you chose it anyways.

Or you chose no present at all. You avoid making another decision and end up with time issues later.

Decision Fatigue can be a key element of Procrastination.


[ Read: 25-Day Gratitude Challenge for the Christmas season]

5 Ways to avoid decision Fatigue when you get Christmas Gifts


1.     Make a Gift Idea List ahead of time


Whenever you are out with a family member or friend during the year and they show interest in something write it down. We all have our phone with us most of the time anyways.

Make a quick note and check the list for special events later.

I know for this year it might be already a little late. But the next birthday or Christmas is just around the corner!

For example,…

You are in the market with your mum. She checks out some earrings. When she isn’t looking take a picture. (Don’t get in trouble with the store clerk! — Be warned some don’t like pictures taken. Politely asking never hurts.)

or.. your sister is raving on and on about a new series.

Maybe you find one with similar content or a limited edition.


2.     Decide on Presents in the Morning or the Day Before


In the mornings you still have plenty of energy and willpower. Because of that, the mornings are the perfect time to decide on presents.


You might still buy them later in the day. But if you have already planned them out you won’t fall back on simple knick-knack no one wants.


Make the buying process later as simple and decision free as possible. Decide the store or the online site you’ll buy from ahead of time. Make sure you have money on your Visa.


[Read: 13 Simple Ways to avoid this year’s Christmas Stress]

3.     Pick the important presents first



You need presents for your family and distant relatives. You know your distant relatives will give you something simple anyway.


Pick the presents for your most important people first.

On whom do you want to spend your energy and willpower? The ones that matter or half strangers?



Pick the important presents first to avoid decision fatigue and pick the “easy” presents later. Unless you really want to impress somebody 😉 .


[ Read: 6 Essential Self-Care Products in 2020 – Self Love Ideas ]


4.     Stop if you get tired


You’ve had a long workday? Or you’ve decided on presents all day long?


Maybe now is not a good time to make more decisions. Instead you can make plans on what you will buy and postpone the buying decision until you are refreshed.


Eating a healthy meal can help you recharge. Or you can take a powernap!


As James Clear mentioned:


When you want to get better decisions from your mind, put better food into your body.


5.     Schedule Christmas Gift Picking


Make space for the important decisions in your life. If you commit to a specific time you don’t have to decide after work will I buy Christmas gifts today or not. You will already know.  It’s no longer a decision, but a fixed date.

And since you know that for example next week, it’s time to buy presents you will start thinking about what to get way before the actual gift picking date.

Your brain will start working on possible presents while you sleep.

When you walk around the streets your focus will be on what you might get next Thursday.

Scheduling is an extremely useful tool to plan Christmas gift ideas ahead of time.


To sum it up:


We all have a limited amount of willpower. If we exert our willpower too much and make too many decisions, we will get decision fatigue.

Decision fatigue causes us too avoid decision or to make rash and stupid ones. Like buying a crappy present.

To buy nice presents and to avoid decision fatigue you can:


  • Make a List ahead of time
  • Decide on Presents in the Morning or the Day Before
  • Pick the Important Presents first
  • Stop when you get tired
  • Schedule Christmas Gift Picking


If you want to get informed about the latest updates, or get more hands on tips and tricks, please subscribe to our newsletter. Last but not least we update every Wednesday and every Saturday. So, it would be great to see you again. For updates follow us on:


Love from Germany,

Julia and Carina 


When Willpower Fails: Decision Fatigue and Christmas Gift Shopping Read More »


Are you looking for a present for yourself or for someone who could use a little boost in life? Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for a friend? Something that also helps with personal growth?  I know gift giving can be really hard and stressful, but you don’t have to look any further here are 11 simple and sweet self-development Christmas presents: 

This post contains affiliate links as part of the amazon associates’ program for products we enjoy. If you purchase a product through our link, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

1.      For the booklovers – Books

When you have a bookworm amongst your friends, or you are one yourself you can call yourself lucky. You can’t do wrong with a new book. And there are plenty of amazing self-development books out there.

Usually, we make a wish list before Christmas, so no one buys things double. Make a list of optional books and show your bookworm friend, which ones you might buy to keep a little suspense. If you want the present to be a complete surprise take a peek into his/her private library.

Here are my favorite/ most wanted self-development books for 2020:    


Be careful not to buy double. Keep the receipt in case you don’t check beforehand, which books your bookworm friend already has. Sometimes even I don’t know which books I already got that’s how many books I have at home.

2.      For the movie lovers – An inspirational movie

I know not everyone likes reading. No worries there are plenty of movies out there that make you feel really motivated after watching them. You could also get them a Netflix or Amazon subscription. If your friends/ family don’t like reading here are my recommended inspirational movies. 


3.      For the always busy – An Audible Membership

Your friends never have time to sit down and read or watch a movie? In that case, you can’t do wrong with an audible membership. Audible offers thousands of audiobooks with a wide variety. Perfect for people who want to listen to something inspirational while doing the dishes or while driving to work.

4.      For the active- Sports Equipment

You have wanted to start living healthier for a while? Ask for sports equipment. It’s a bit dangerous to buy sports equipment, especially for female friends unless you know exactly that they want it. If you get the wrong stuff the conversation might go like this:

  • Here Love.
  • Oh, what’s that. Oh my god, weights? Did I get that fat?
  • No honey just for your health. You wanted to work out.
  • OMG you say I got fat.

Well, maybe that’s exaggerated. What I am saying is just be careful. You know them the best.

5.      For the always stressed – A Self-Care Package

Do you have a friend who is always stressed? Someone who is always working really hard? In that case a self-care package might be just the thing. Some things a decent self-care pack might include:

  • Candles
  • Face Masks
  • Tea / Coffee
  • Hand cream / Foot Cream
  • Massage Oil
  • Wool Socks
  • Hair Ban
  • Bath Bombs
  • Eye Masks
  • Snacks
  • Perfume
  • Lip Balm
  • Body Scrubs
  • Soaps
  • Body Butter
  • Essential Oils and a Diffuser
  • Cozy Blanket
  • Bath Robe

There are many DIY options for the above-mentioned ideas. Check out Country Hill Cottage for some DIYs.

6.      For the confused – A journal

I have been journaling since 2012. It’s always funny rereading events from the past. Journals are also an amazing tool to organize your thoughts, plan your future, scribble down ideas. Basically, you can use your journal for whatever you need. You can use it for recipes, to plan activities. I think one can never go wrong with a journal unless that person is more into tech and apps in which case you can buy a journal app.

I like ring notebooks because they are easy to fold, but you can buy whatever notebook you think looks nice.

7.      For the sleepy heads – A Sunrise Alarm Clock

We all know getting up on time makes us more productive. But the bed is just so comfortable, especially during winter. If you want to be woken softly without getting a heart attack in the morning a sunrise alarm clock might be just the thing for you.

8.      For the dreamers and achievers – A goal planner

Do you have a goal in your life? If not it’s time to make one! A good way to plan your goals and how to achieve them is a goal planner. There are many incredibly cute goal planners out there. Check out the ones I wish I had:

9.      For the curious and open-minded – a New Hobby box

Have you ever thought about gifting a new hobby? There are plenty of hobbies out there to try. If you know your friends or family are curious why not gift them with a new hobby? You can pack a little gift box with tools necessary for the new hobby.

Like a Yoga Box with:

  • Yoga Mat
  • Yoga Pants
  • Elastic Band

Or a Watercolor box with:

  • paintbrushes
  • paint
  • watercolor paper

There are so many varieties for this gift. Think about what your friends might like to try and adapt. You can also buy courses and classes.

10. A gift for the learners – An online course

Do you know your friend started a new blog? Maybe there is a course for beginner bloggers. Does your friend try to learn a language? You can gift a private tutor class. 

Think about what that person might need and gift a course!

11. A gift for the adventurous – An Experience

Your friend has never been to a concert? Or you know she/ he always wanted to try out surfing? Give the gift of a new experience. I remember a few years ago I invited my sister to a musical. It was a great experience we made together!

[Read] 13 Simple Ways to avoid this years Christmas Stress

[Read] 30-Day Challenge Ideas to Stay Fit During Winter

[Read] 6 Essential Self-Care Products in 2020 – Self Love Ideas

[Read]How to create a Self-Date during Self-Isolation/Covid-19

So that’s it for today. If you want to get informed about the latest updates, please subscribe to our newsletter. Last but not least we update every Wednesday and every Saturday. So, it would be great to see you again. Also, for updates follow us on:

Love from Germany,

Julia and Carina 


13 Simple Ways to avoid this years Christmas Stress

Heavily decorated streets are filled with hungry passengers, eagerly trying to collect their last christmas presents for their loved ones. While some of us are just overwhelmed with fighting against the huge crowd of competitive buyers, some struggle with their last minute presents or the scarily empty looking purse. In fact some might even struggle in their own four walls. Stress caused by your own family.

Causes of stress: 

  • Conflicts with family or friends
  • Time stress
  • Money stress
  • Loneliness
  • Insecurities 


Lets see how we can reduce the above mentioned causes of stress:

Conflicts with family or friends:

Nothing spoils the christmas season more than the quarreling of family members or friends. Have you ever experienced it? If yes, you will know how upset it can make you! Especially if you are the one who is directly involved! But it also spoils our mood if we watch our loved ones fight and can’t really do anything. Believe me, picking a side just makes it worse! So what can we do? 

1. Set rules to avoid conflicts

The easiest way is to set up rules. This way you can invite both parties and hopefully avoid them throwing each other over the dining table. 

For example, if you have a family who is split up because of politics (very interesting topic right now) , set a rule that this topic is prohibited during the meeting. There are enough positive topics that connect all of you. If they don’t know how to start the conversation, take the first step and say something positive. “Thank you all for coming! I am so glad you all are healthy and happy. How was your yoga session, Anna?”.”That’s good to hear! Maria, You also started yoga last week right? How is it?” Connecting topics can not only be hobbies, but also people they both like, great events or future plans.

2. Don't invite them.

If you know that no matter what you do won’t stop their fighting, then just don’t invite them. I know this probably sounds harsh but sometimes we need to look out for ourselves. Isn’t it better when we all have a peaceful season alone? – Instead of fighting all night! Of course this should only be your last solution. Remember to not pick a side and only invite one party all the time, it will only increase the fighting. Instead just invite them both but not at the same time.

3. Call them and make up

If you are directly involved I highly recommend you to call and make up. You are not less worthy than the other person just because you apologized. Nor did the other person “win”. It is time to stop being stubborn. Just imagine what is more important to you: Your relationship or being right?

In germany we have the saying : Der Klügere gibt nach. 

Which translates to: Better to bend than to break. 

Time stress

If you are a gift buying procrastinator or just have workwise a busy time during december: 

4. Start early:

You can already buy your gifts in September or October. Decorate in November and bake your cookies way before Christmas. There is no need to rush. You can also buy the ingredients for christmas dinner beforehand and put them in the freezer!  Good time management is key to a stress free christmas !

5. Make a plan:

If the time is already scarce, it is the best to make a plan. Are you a last minute buyer ? Have you ever bought random items or even unnecessary stuff because you were in a hurry? Ugh it happened to me so many times! Making a plan shows you exactly what you need to do and even when. What to buy for the christmas dinner and presents. Whom to call and whom to invite. You only need a pen and paper to scribble down your first ideas and it already makes it a lot easier for you to not forget important tasks. 

6. Buy online presents:

This point is not only relevant for time management but also if you are on a tight budget. As for time management: Buying presents online has many advantages: 

                          1. Easier payments (no need to rush to the bank)
                          2. Delivery to your door (No more heavy carrying or driving 60 minutes to the next store) 
                          3. Find the items faster  (no more rushing through the whole store to find one item)
                          4. More variety 
                          5. Less competition (no more fighting in the store rows!) 
7. Say no:

This is also a very important time factor: Accomplishing not only your tasks but also tasks of people close to you. Principally during this stressful season, family and friends are looking for help but sometimes we just cannot offer it. As I, myself , really suck at saying NO I understand how stressful it can be to take on tasks from other people.  Especially when you are a procrastinator and are already late with your own stuff. Yet if you are already stressed or you want to avoid being stressed it is best to learn how to say no

Money stress:

8. Set up a budget plan:

Setting up a budget plan is always a great way to see how much you have and how much you want to spend on each area. Especially if you don’t have the option to spend a lot of money. You don’t have to make the budget plan complicated by creating an excel sheet –  a piece of paper is enough! What costs do you have? Where can you save money? Where can you make more cash? What has the highest priority in case the money can’t cover all?

9. More DIY presents:

A great way to save money is to craft your own presents. Not only is it a lot cheaper but you also put a lot more thoughts and effort into your presents. Of course, there are a ton of tutorials online where you can watch step by step how to dos.

10. Define who gets presents and who doesn't

If you have the option to avoid some presents (for friends or not so close family members) I would definitely take it. Especially if you are on a tight budget. Usually my friends and I buy each other presents, but there was a time when we had no income and thereby chose to either only give a small present (like 5-10€) or no present at all. Same goes for family members. If you are unsure if the other person gives you a present and you don’t want to feel embarrassed for not giving back: Just buy something small or craft something. You can also make a no present agreement with people. (Just don’t trust your loved other half when they say no present necessary lol)

Loneliness and Insecurities

Another cause of stress, especially during the Christmas season, is loneliness. Ads are full of happy families, friends that visit their families and people excitedly chatting on the busy streets.  Thereby it is especially maddening if you have no one to celebrate it with. 

11. Online events and courses

Of course there is always the chance to reach out to other people! Even during quarantine! You can look up baking classes or find a group who likes to make homemade decorations together. You can find more here! 

It is also to mention that due to the pandemic many events are online. It gives you the advantage that you don’t need to travel far but still can spend time with others!

12. Take time for yourself

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you are alone with.”

I found this quote a while ago and it just stuck.(Sadly I don’t know who wrote this masterpiece. Do you? ) Especially during my semester abroad I was very lonely. I was very insecure and anxious. But once I have read this quote it changed my mind: I’ve put more thought on self love and took better care of myself. Bubble baths or steamy showers, working out, eating good food:  It all helped me feel less lonely and it even pushed my confidence. Plus, those steps also lower your stress level and make you feel more refreshed during the day! What I want to say is, it is always a great idea to invest in self care and it is just a perfect activity for your christmas holidays! 

13. Stop worrying and have fun

If you are insecure about presents you give or if the food is appropriate or delicious it is time to get some rest. Stop worrying. Overthinking only increases your stress level and in most cases we worry for nothing!

Instead, enjoy your christmas season, even alone! You can always turn on the radio and dance in your apartment! Bake cookies. Share them with others. Put more attention to the little joys in life.

That’s it for today’s post! 

I hope you all have a great winter season and stay safe!


Topics that could also be relevant to you: 

[Read] 30-Day Challenge Ideas to Stay Fit During Winter

[Read] 6 Essential Self-Care Products in 2020 – Self Love Ideas

[Read]How to create a Self-Date during Self-Isolation/Covid-19

If you want to get informed about the latest updates, please subscribe to our newsletter. Last but not least we update every Wednesday and every Saturday. So, it would be great to see you again. Also, for updates follow us on:


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Love from Germany,

Carina and Julia

13 Simple Ways to avoid this years Christmas Stress Read More »