Why you Should Set Goals – 5 Captivating Reasons

“I’ve failed again to achieve my set goals this year” – Laura Laurell sights. “You aren’t the only one! Did you know that around 80% never achieve their new years resolutions!” – Her friend exclaims. “Maybe we should just stop setting goals?” 

Have you ever asked yourself, whether goal setting even makes sense? Today we will dive into the importance of goals in life, goal benefits, and the value of setting goals. Before we go deeper into how to successfully set goals and achieve them in the next lessons.

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Goals give you a Solid Direction

Goals help you get unstuck. They give you a clear direction. Imagine going on a trip without a goal . It might be the most amazing trip ever. Or it might be an amazingly bad trip with you going to dull and boring places or around circles.  And then you wonder why you feel stuck. 

Goals act like a lighthouse, showing you the path during stormy days, during sunny days, and even during flooding. Once you’ve picked a goal and you know where you want to go making decisions will become much easier.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. – Zig Ziglar

Goals give you some Fierce Motivation

Picking your personal goal gives you a start and a finish line. It will give you drive and motivation.

Motivation comes from moving. When you move towards a goal, you’ll get excited. And when you are excited, tasks become a lot easier to achieve. 

Set Your Goals with the Goal Settin Workbook :

Measure your Progress with the Right Goals

How often do you check in, if your life is what you want it to be like? Are you on the right track or have you been led off your right path? Are you happy or unhappy? 

Are you spending your time on experiences and tasks that matter? Or are you wasting away?

Goals are an amazing tool to track how far along your journey you’ve come. Whether the daily habits, routines, and tasks are actually moving you forward or not. 

Goals are a benchmark easily tracked. 

And since you always know where exactly you are and where exactly you want to go, goals also help you overcome procrastination.

Lead a more Active Life and Create Breathtaking Experiences through goal setting

How often do you get outside of your comfort zone? How often do you try something new?
When you have a goal it will force you to do things that you’ve never done before. It will bring you to places you never thought you could go to and it lets you meet people you never would have met otherwise. 

Without a goal we stay in a daily rut. Following our daily routines all over again. 

While goals give you the chance to lead an extraordinary life. 

Break out of your comfort zone. 

Breath in fresh and exciting ideas. 

And dare dream about places and experiences others are too scared to dream of. 

This way goals also help you challenge yourself and to grow as a person.

Find your Purpose with goal setting

While the goal in and by itself might not be enough to find your purpose I am a firm believer that working towards your goals will show you exactly what you want and what you want to do with your life. 

The more experiences the clearer it will become. 

Therefore, goal setting is a great tool to find your personal purpose. 

To Sum it Up

Goal setting: 

  • gives you a clear direction to focus on.
  • helps you stay motivated. 
  • helps you measure your progress. 
  • you’ll grow as a person and lead a more active life. 
  • you’ll make incredible experiences.
  • and you can find your purpose. 

I hope we were able to show you the importance of goal setting. Of course, there are other benefits to goal setting as well. To wrap it up, one can say that goal setting has a multitude of benefits. 

We can only recommend you to stay tuned for the coming lessons on how to set your goals and how to achieve them. 

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Love from Germany,


Carina and Julia